I'm new to Mathematica plots. The following is a small part of my research results:
gthres = 1/3 + (19 - 3 Sqrt[33])^(1/3)/3 + (19 + 3 Sqrt[33])^(1/3)/3;
tthres = Log[gthres];
plot1 = ListLinePlot[{{0.609378, 10}, {0.609379, 8}, {0.609395,
6}, {0.610285, 4}, {0.61073, 3.8}, {0.611392, 3.6}, {0.612376,
3.4}, {0.613835, 3.2}, {0.615994, 3}, {0.619176, 2.8}, {0.62384,
2.6}, {0.630628, 2.4}, {0.640412, 2.2}, {0.654347, 2}, {0.663323,
1.9}, {0.673925, 1.8}, {0.686401, 1.7}, {0.70103, 1.6}, {0.718126,
1.5}, {0.738047, 1.4}, {0.761207, 1.3}, {0.788093, 1.2}},
PlotStyle -> Red, AxesLabel -> {t, k}];
plot2 = ListLinePlot[{{tthres, 10}, {tthres, 0}}, PlotStyle -> Dotted,
AxesLabel -> {t, k}];
plot3 = ListLinePlot[{{0.00025, 0.001}, {0.170589, 1}, {0.261065,
2}, {0.317783, 3}, {0.35709, 4}, {0.386195, 5}, {0.408763,
6}, {0.426861, 7}, {0.44175, 8}, {0.454247, 9}, {0.464908,
10}, {0.482179, 12}, {0.495613, 14}, {0.511024, 17}, {0.522663,
20}, {0.536849, 25}, {0.546988, 30}, {0.55461, 35}, {0.560556,
40}, {0.565329, 45}, {0.569245, 50}}, PlotStyle -> Black,
AxesLabel -> {t, \[Theta]}]
The three plots above have different $x$ and $y$-axis. I'd like to combine them as one plot, with $\theta$ being the left $y$-axis, $k$ being the right $y$-axis, and $t\in(0,0.8)$ being the $x$-axis. Can anyone give me some hint or help? Thanks in advance!
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