In the paper "Hydrogen-Like Systems in Arbitrary Magnetic Fields. A Variational Approach" the method to optimize basis functions has been proposed. They described basis functions dependent on 4 quantum numbers in a form
$\psi_{ijq}=z^q e^{-a_i r^2} e^{-b_j z^2}, \psi_m=r^{|m|}e^{i m\theta}$
where $a_i,b_j$ are parameters to be optimized.
The variational wave functions in terms of a set of basis functions can be written as follows
The code to optimize energy is not so differ from what we discussed here:
nmax = 3; jmax = 4;
B = 5; Lz = m = 0; q = 0; ms = -1/2;
VP1[r_, z_] := -1/Sqrt[r^2 + z^2] + 1/8 B^2 r^2 + B/2 (m + 2 ms);
Psi[r_, z_, i_, j_, q_] := z^q Exp[-b[j]*z^2]*Exp[-a[i]*r^2];
Psim[r_, \[Theta]_, m_] := r^Abs[m] Exp[I m \[Theta]];
(*kinetic energy*)
Kk = 1/2 FullSimplify[
Psi[r, z, i2, j2, q] Psim[r, \[Theta], -m]*
Psi[r, z, i1, j1, q] Psim[r, \[Theta], m], {r, \[Theta], z},
"Cylindrical"] +
Psi[r, z, i1, j1, q] Psim[r, \[Theta], m]*
Psi[r, z, i2, j2, q] Psim[r, \[Theta], -m], {r, \[Theta], z},
ss = Integrate[Kk r, {r, 0, \[Infinity]}, {z, -Infinity, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a[i1] > 0, b[i1] > 0, a[i2] > 0, b[i2] > 0,
a[j1] > 0, b[j1] > 0, a[j2] > 0, b[j2] > 0}];
Kx = - 1/2 2 Pi Sum[
c[i1, j1] c[i2, j2] ss, {i1, nmax}, {i2, nmax}, {j1, jmax}, {j2,
(*potential energy*)
Px = Integrate[
Psi[r, z, i2, j2, q] Psim[r, \[Theta], -m]*VP1[r, z]*
Psi[r, z, i1, j1, q] Psim[r, \[Theta], m]*r, {r,
0, \[Infinity]}, {z, -Infinity, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a[i1] > 0, b[i1] > 0, a[i2] > 0, b[i2] > 0,
a[j1] > 0, b[j1] > 0, a[j2] > 0, b[j2] > 0}];
Px = 2 Pi Sum[
c[i1, j1] c[i2, j2] Px, {i1, nmax}, {i2, nmax}, {j1, jmax}, {j2,
int = Integrate[
Psi[r, z, i2, j2, q] Psim[r, \[Theta], -m]*
Psi[r, z, i1, j1, q] Psim[r, \[Theta], m] r, {r,
0, \[Infinity]}, {z, -Infinity, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a[i1] > 0, b[i1] > 0, a[i2] > 0, b[i2] > 0,
a[j1] > 0, b[j1] > 0, a[j2] > 0, b[j2] > 0}];
norm = {2 Pi Sum[
c[i1, j1] c[i2, j2] int, {i1, nmax}, {i2, nmax}, {j1,
jmax}, {j2, jmax}] == 1};
U = 2 Pi ArrayFlatten[
Table[ int, {i1, nmax}, {i2, nmax}, {j1, jmax}, {j2, jmax}], 2];
var = Join[{a1, b1, qa, qb},
Flatten[Table[c[i, j], {i, nmax}, {j, jmax}]]]; a[1] = a1;
b[1] = b1; Do[a[i] = a[i - 1] qa, {i, 2, nmax}]; Do[
b[j] = b[j - 1] qb, {j, 2, jmax}]; con =
Join[norm, {a1 > 0, b1 > 0, qa > 0, qb > 0}];
sol = NMinimize[{Kx + Px, con}, var]
(*Out[]= {-1.37834 + 0. I, {a1 -> 1.39282, b1 -> 19.9993,
qa -> 3.4335, qb -> 0.252195, c[1, 1] -> -0.00902664,
c[1, 2] -> 0.0164657, c[1, 3] -> -0.317789, c[1, 4] -> -0.375104,
c[2, 1] -> 0.0377631, c[2, 2] -> -0.209612, c[2, 3] -> -0.11075,
c[2, 4] -> 0.0505215, c[3, 1] -> -0.158495, c[3, 2] -> 0.0175225,
c[3, 3] -> 0.0210703, c[3, 4] -> -0.0143571}}*)
Please, pay attention that we use 3 a
and 4 b
to prepare system of $3\times 4=12$ basis functions. Eigenvalues can be computed as follows
abq = Take[sol[[2]], 4]
Hij =
Last@CoefficientArrays[(Kx + Px) /. abq,
Flatten[Table[c[i, j], {i, nmax}, {j, jmax}]], "Symmetric" -> True]
mat = Inverse[U /. abq] . Hij; {val, vec} = Eigensystem[mat];
val // Sort // Chop
(*Out[]= {-1.37834, 0.542836, 5.79876, 6.72021, 7.97674, 13.9054, \
32.4115, 34.3706, 35.4432, 40.6693, 41.9055, 67.6762}*)
The ground state is -1.37834, and it is not bad compared to exact value -1.380398866427.