How can I automatically obtain the characteristic equation of a second-order differential equation given any expression?
Assuming a second-order differential equation is given as follows:
x''[t] + x'[t] + 16 x[t] == 0
Your equation has wrong syntax. x^\[Prime]\[Prime])
should be written like: x''
(not back ticks and no superscript). Then we can get the characteristic equation by:
eq = x''[t] + Derivative[1][x][t] + 16 x[t] == 0;
eq /. {x[t] -> 1, x'[t] -> x, x''[t] -> x^2}
16 + x + x^2 == 0
{x[t] -> 1, Derivative[n_][x][t] :> x^n}