While numerically solving ths system of differential equations:
sol[w_, xc_, yc_, ac_, bc_] := NDSolve[{
x'[Z] == -(Log[10] (1/2 (3 x[Z]^3 + 9 x[Z]^2 b[Z] + x[Z] (-3 + a[Z]^2 + 9 b[Z]^2 - 9 y[Z]^2 (1 + 4 w b[Z]^2)) + b[Z] (-1 + a[Z]^2 + 3 b[Z]^2 - 3 y[Z]^2 (3 - 4 w + 12 w b[Z]^2))))),
y'[Z] == -(Log[10] (1/2 y[Z] (3 + 3 x[Z]^2 + a[Z]^2 + 6 (1 - 2 w) x[Z] b[Z] + 3 b[Z]^2 - 9 y[Z]^2 (1 + 4 w b[Z]^2)))),
a'[Z] == -(Log[10] (1/2 a[Z] (-1 + 3 x[Z]^2 + a[Z]^2 + 6 x[Z] b[Z] + 3 b[Z]^2 - 9 y[Z]^2 (1 + 4 w b[Z]^2)))),
b'[Z] == -(Log[10] (x[Z])),
x[7] == xc, y[7] == yc, a[7] == ac, b[7] == bc},
{x, y, a, b}, {Z, 7, -2}];
With initial conditions w=0.01, xc=3*10^-5, yc=6*10^-13, ac=Sqrt[0.999441], bc=38*10^-4
I've plotted the phase space trajectory but I'm struggling with plotting the phase portrait using StreamPlot. in order to see the flow of the vector field in the $y-a$ plane, with $y$ being in the x axis and $a$, in the y axis.