I made a routine code CodeComp2
that performs algebraic evaluations using some data TablexgridWithEx
, TablePhaseSpaceDecayProducts
and a few analytic expressions: pproductLab1Spher
, pproductLab3Spher
, pproductLab2Spher
, EproductLabSpher
(the first group), and coordProj1
, coordProj2
(the second group). Inside the code, some values that use the first group of expressions are evaluated first, and then they are inserted in the formulas from the second group. Because of some reason, the second step takes a lot of time, although the expressions from the first group itself look simpler than the first group.
What may be the reason for this slowdown, and how to fix the code?
These are the relevant analytic expressions:
phVal[px_, py_] =
If[py > 0,
ArcCos[px/(\[Sqrt](px^2 + py^2))], -ArcCos[
px/(\[Sqrt](px^2 + py^2))]];
thVal[px_, py_, pz_] = ArcCos[pz/(\[Sqrt](px^2 + py^2 + pz^2))];
pMotherVecSpher[Ex_, mx_, thx_, phx_] =
Sqrt[Ex^2 - mx^2] {Sin[thx]*Cos[phx], Sin[thx]*Sin[phx], Cos[thx]};
vMotherVecSpher[Ex_, mx_, thx_, phx_] = +(
pMotherVecSpher[Ex, mx, thx, phx]/Ex);
\[Gamma]Factor[Ex_, mx_] = Ex/mx;
\[CapitalGamma]factor[Ex_, mx_] =
Simplify[(\[Gamma]Factor[Ex, mx] -
1)/((v /.
Solve[\[Gamma]Factor[Ex, mx] == 1/Sqrt[1 - v^2], v])^2)[[1]]];
pproductRestVec[Eprodrest_, mprod_, thprodrest_, phprodrest_] =
Sqrt[Eprodrest^2 - mprod^2] {Sin[thprodrest]*Cos[phprodrest],
Sin[thprodrest]*Sin[phprodrest], Cos[thprodrest]};
pproductLabVecSpher[Ex_, mx_, thx_, phx_, Eprodrest_, mprod_,
thprodrest_, phprodrest_] =
pproductRestVec[Eprodrest, mprod, thprodrest,
phprodrest] + \[Gamma]Factor[Ex, mx]*
vMotherVecSpher[Ex, mx, thx, phx]*
Eprodrest + \[CapitalGamma]factor[Ex, mx]*
vMotherVecSpher[Ex, mx, thx,
phx] (vMotherVecSpher[Ex, mx, thx, phx] .
pproductRestVec[Eprodrest, mprod, thprodrest, phprodrest])];
EproductLabSpher[Ex_, mx_, thx_, phx_, Eprodrest_, mprod_,
thprodrest_, phprodrest_] =
mx] (Eprodrest +
vMotherVecSpher[Ex, mx, thx, phx] .
pproductRestVec[Eprodrest, mprod, thprodrest, phprodrest])];
pproductLab1Spher[Ex_, mx_, thx_, phx_, Eprodrest_, mprod_,
thprodrest_, phprodrest_] =
pproductLabVecSpher[Ex, mx, thx, phx, Eprodrest, mprod, thprodrest,
pproductLab2Spher[Ex_, mx_, thx_, phx_, Eprodrest_, mprod_,
thprodrest_, phprodrest_] =
pproductLabVecSpher[Ex, mx, thx, phx, Eprodrest, mprod, thprodrest,
pproductLab3Spher[Ex_, mx_, thx_, phx_, Eprodrest_, mprod_,
thprodrest_, phprodrest_] =
pproductLabVecSpher[Ex, mx, thx, phx, Eprodrest, mprod, thprodrest,
xyzPointxvertex[xLongx_, thx_, phx_] = {(xLongx/Sin[phx])*Cos[phx],
xLongx, (xLongx/(Sin[thx]*Sin[phx]))*Cos[thx]};
xyzPointxvertexX[xLongx_, thx_, phx_] =
xyzPointxvertex[xLongx, thx, phx][[1]];
xyzPointxvertexSecondCoordinate[xLongx_, thx_, phx_] =
xyzPointxvertex[xLongx, thx, phx][[3]];
xLongDecayProductFinalPlaneGivenExperiment = 85;
xyzPointDaughterProjection[xLongx_, thx_, phx_, px_, py_,
pz_] = {xyzPointxvertex[xLongx, thx, phx][[
1]] + (xLongDecayProductFinalPlaneGivenExperiment - xLongx) (px/
py), xLongDecayProductFinalPlaneGivenExperiment,
xyzPointxvertex[xLongx, thx, phx][[
3]] + (xLongDecayProductFinalPlaneGivenExperiment - xLongx) (pz/
coordProj1[xLongx_, thx_, phx_, px_, py_, pz_] =
If[py > 0,
xyzPointDaughterProjection[xLongx, thx, phx, px, py, pz][[1]]],
coordProj2[xLongx_, thx_, phx_, px_, py_, pz_] =
If[py > 0,
xyzPointDaughterProjection[xLongx, thx, phx, px, py, pz][[3]]],
Next, there is an example data:
mxval = 2;
TablexgridWithEx =
Tuples[{RandomReal[{mxval, 10^4}, 100] // Sort,
RandomReal[{0.33, 0.94}, 50] // Sort,
RandomReal[{60, 85}, 40] // Sort,
RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}, 40] // Sort}];
indexEx = 1;
indexxLongx = 3;
indexthx = 3;
indexphx = 4;
indexEprod1rest = 1;
indexthprod1rest = 2;
indexphprod1rest = 3;
indexEprod2rest = 4;
indexthprod2rest = 5;
indexphprod2rest = 6;
mproduct1 = mproduct2 = 0.5;
nprod = 10;
RandomDir = RandomPoint[Sphere[], nprod];
TabProduct1Rest =
Join[Table[{(mxval^2 - mproduct2^2 + mproduct1^2)/(2 mxval)},
nprod], {ArcCos[#[[3]]], phVal[#[[1]], #[[2]]]} & /@ RandomDir, 2];
TabProduct2Rest =
Join[Table[{(mxval^2 + mproduct2^2 - mproduct1^2)/(2 mxval)},
nprod], {ArcCos[-#[[3]]], phVal[-#[[1]], -#[[2]]]} & /@ RandomDir,
TablePhaseSpaceDecayProducts =
Join[TabProduct1Rest, TabProduct2Rest, 2];
Finally, there is the block CodeComp2
compiling evaluations:
CodeComp2 =
Hold@Compile[{{TablexgridWithEx, _Real,
1}, {TablePhaseSpaceDecayProducts, _Real,
2}, {mx, _Real}, {mproduct1, _Real}, {mproduct2, \
Module[{cond, count, FirstCoordinateProduct1,
SecondCoordinateProduct1, FirstCoordinateProduct2,
SecondCoordinateProduct2, EnergyProduct1,
EnergyProduct2, ex, xlongx, thx, phx, eprod1rest,
thprod1rest, phprod1rest, eprod2rest, thprod2rest,
phprod2rest, pxprod1lab, pxprod2lab, pyprod1lab,
pyprod2lab, pzprod1lab, pzprod2lab, \[Epsilon]Azx},
count = 0.;
ex = Compile`GetElement[TablexgridWithEx, indexEx];
xlongx =
thx = Compile`GetElement[TablexgridWithEx,
phx = Compile`GetElement[TablexgridWithEx,
eprod1rest =
j, indexEprod1rest];
thprod1rest =
j, indexthprod1rest];
phprod1rest =
j, indexphprod1rest];
eprod2rest =
j, indexEprod2rest];
thprod2rest =
j, indexthprod2rest];
phprod2rest =
j, indexphprod2rest];
(*Where I use formulas that are evaluated fast*)
pxprod1lab =
pproductLab1Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod1rest,
mproduct1, thprod1rest, phprod1rest];
pyprod1lab =
pproductLab2Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod1rest,
mproduct1, thprod1rest, phprod1rest];
pzprod1lab =
pproductLab3Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod1rest,
mproduct1, thprod1rest, phprod1rest];
pxprod2lab =
pproductLab1Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod2rest,
mproduct2, thprod2rest, phprod2rest];
pyprod2lab =
pproductLab2Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod2rest,
mproduct2, thprod2rest, phprod2rest];
pzprod2lab =
pproductLab3Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod2rest,
mproduct2, thprod2rest, phprod2rest];
EnergyProduct1 =
EproductLabSpher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod1rest,
mproduct1, thprod1rest, phprod1rest];
EnergyProduct2 =
EproductLabSpher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod2rest,
mproduct2, thprod2rest, phprod2rest];
(*Where I use formulas that are evaluated slow*)
FirstCoordinateProduct1 =
coordProj1[xlongx, thx, phx, pxprod1lab,
pyprod1lab, pzprod1lab];
SecondCoordinateProduct1 =
coordProj2[xlongx, thx, phx, pxprod1lab,
pyprod1lab, pzprod1lab];
FirstCoordinateProduct2 =
coordProj1[xlongx, thx, phx, pxprod2lab,
pyprod2lab, pzprod2lab];
SecondCoordinateProduct2 =
coordProj2[xlongx, thx, phx, pxprod2lab,
pyprod2lab, pzprod2lab]
, {j, 1, Length[TablePhaseSpaceDecayProducts]}];
], CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeOptions -> "Speed",
RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
Parallelization -> True] /.
DownValues@coordProj1 /. DownValues@coordProj2 /.
DownValues@pproductLab1Spher /.
DownValues@pproductLab2Spher /.
DownValues@pproductLab3Spher /.
DownValues@EproductLabSpher /. OwnValues@indexEx /.
OwnValues@indexxLongx /. OwnValues@indexthx /.
OwnValues@indexphx /. OwnValues@indexEprod1rest /.
OwnValues@indexthprod1rest /. OwnValues@indexphprod1rest /.
OwnValues@indexEprod2rest /. OwnValues@indexthprod2rest /.
OwnValues@indexphprod2rest // ReleaseHold;
The block has rows evaluating values using the functions pproductLab1Spher
, which are then inserted in coordProj1
. The first functions look much more complicated than the second ones:
Let us first comment the following rows calling coordProj1
, coordProj2
FirstCoordinateProduct1 =
coordProj1[xlongx, thx, phx, pprod1lab, py1lab, pz1lab];
SecondCoordinateProduct1 =
coordProj2[xlongx, thx, phx, pprod1lab, py1lab, pz1lab];
FirstCoordinateProduct2 =
coordProj1[xlongx, thx, phx, pprod2lab, py2lab, pz2lab];
SecondCoordinateProduct2 =
coordProj2[xlongx, thx, phx, pprod2lab, py2lab, pz2lab]
CodeComp2[TablexgridWithEx, TablePhaseSpaceDecayProducts, mxval,
mproduct1, mproduct2]; // AbsoluteTiming
{0.307338, Null}
Next, let us uncomment them:
{2.80388, Null}
The slowdown is ~10 times!
I have checked that the If
condition in coordProj
is not the main reason for the performance problem. Moreover, the rows using the first group of formulas (pproductLab1Spher
, etc.; starting from pxprod1lab =
) take negligible time to evaluate. To see this, let us comment the rows
pxprod1lab = pproductLab1Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod1rest, mproduct1, thprod1rest, phprod1rest];
pyprod1lab = pproductLab2Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod1rest, mproduct1, thprod1rest, phprod1rest];
pzprod1lab = pproductLab3Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod1rest, mproduct1, thprod1rest, phprod1rest];
pxprod2lab = pproductLab1Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod2rest, mproduct2, thprod2rest, phprod2rest];
pyprod2lab = pproductLab2Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod2rest, mproduct2, thprod2rest, phprod2rest];
pzprod2lab = pproductLab3Spher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod2rest, mproduct2, thprod2rest, phprod2rest];
EnergyProduct1 = EproductLabSpher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod1rest, mproduct1, thprod1rest, phprod1rest];
EnergyProduct2 = EproductLabSpher[ex, mx, thx, phx, eprod2rest, mproduct2, thprod2rest, phprod2rest];
(*Where I use formulas that are evaluated slow*)
FirstCoordinateProduct1 = coordProj1[xlongx, thx, phx, pxprod1lab, pyprod1lab, pzprod1lab];
SecondCoordinateProduct1 = coordProj2[xlongx, thx, phx, pxprod1lab,
pyprod1lab, pzprod1lab];
FirstCoordinateProduct2 = coordProj1[xlongx, thx, phx, pxprod2lab,
pyprod2lab, pzprod2lab];
SecondCoordinateProduct2 = coordProj2[xlongx, thx, phx, pxprod2lab, pyprod2lab, pzprod2lab]
{0.284096, Null}
-- comparable with the evaluation time if commenting only FirstCoordinateProduct1 = ...
So the relative slowdown caused by FirstCoordinateProduct1 = ...
is actually much larger.
Following the answer by Domen.
Even if replacing the trigonometric formulas for coordProj1
, coordProj2
with simple
coordProj1[xLongx_, thx_, phx_, px_, py_, pz_] = xLongx*thx*phx*px*py*pz;
coordProj2[xLongx_, thx_, phx_, px_, py_, pz_] = xLongx*thx*phx*px*py*pz;
the evaluation of CodeComp2
with uncommented rows still takes much longer time (0.7 seconds) than the evaluation with the commented rows (0.3 seconds), which again means a huge slowdown required to evaluate, e.g., FirstCoordinateProduct1
compared to the evaluation of, e.g., pxprod1lab
(up to a 100 times longer).