Make cursor stay in input cell provides a function for keeping the cursor in a cell after it was evaluated. I tried adding that function directly into to create a keyboard shortcut but that led to Mathematica sending an error when loading. I tried wrapping it in KernelExecute but that did not work. I would also like to modify shift plus enter to remove the setting from the function in the link when I want the standard way of evaluating a cell.
1 Answer
The following adds a new menu item "Evaluate Cells (Keep Selection)" with shortcut "Alt+Shift+Return" that keeps the cursor where it is:
If[$OperatingSystem == "Windows", "EvaluateCells", "HandleShiftReturn"], {
MenuItem["Evaluate Cells (Keep Selection)",
System`Modifiers -> {"Shift", "Option"}
System`MenuEvaluator -> Automatic
evaluateKeepSelection[] :=
With[{nb := EvaluationNotebook[], c := EvaluationCell[]},
With[{cv :=
CurrentValue[nb, {"TaggingRules", "LastCursorPosition"}],
pos := FrontEndExecute@
cv = "CharacterRange" /. pos;
CellEpilog :>
If[ListQ[cv], SelectionMove[c, Before, CellContents];
SelectionMove[nb, Next, Character, First[cv]];
SelectionMove[nb, After, Character];
Table[FrontEndToken["SelectNext"], -Subtract @@ cv];
cv = False]]]
Note that this keeps the usual behavior of "Shift+Return" as it is, it just adds an additional shortcut that keeps the selection.
$\begingroup$ I do not see a menu item either on Linux with version 13.2. Maybe I could use… somehow to add the menu item ? (I did not try using that function i just saw it in the past) $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 16, 2023 at 14:13
$\begingroup$ @MichaelE2 Can you try again? I tweaked the call to
slightly, hopefully that makes it more robust... $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 16, 2023 at 14:38 -
$\begingroup$ @userrandrand That resource function does nothing else than call
, so I am a bit surprised my code didn't work for you (or MichaelE2). As I already mentioned, I tweaked the call slightly in the hopes to make the call work now $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 16, 2023 at 14:39 -
$\begingroup$ @MichaelE2 Looks like the relevant token is
instead of"EvaluateCells"
on Linux for some reason (I assume it's the same on macOS as well). I updated the answer to include a check for the OS, and it works now for a fresh install on Ubuntu for me. Can you check again on macOS? $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 16, 2023 at 16:21 -