I tried to solve the Laplace equation by two different methods, I made two 3D plots, but they didn't look the same. Is anything wrong? what can I do? I tried to use Fourier series at first and some Mathematica code
(*rectangle 0<x<L,0<y<H*)
L = 4;
H = 3;
(*boundary conditions*)
f1[x_] := If[L > x > 0, 23]
f2[x_] := If[L > x > 0, 1]
g1[y_] := If[H > y > 0, -2]
g2[y_] := If[H > y > 0, 31]
(*coefficient A(n)*)
A[n_] := (2/(L*Sinh[n*Pi*H/L]))*Integrate[f2[x]*Sin[(n*Pi*x)/L], {x, 0, L}]
(*coefficient B(n)*)
B[n_] := (2/(L*Sinh[n*Pi*H/L]))*Integrate[f1[x]*Sin[(n*Pi*x)/L], {x, 0, L}]
(*coefficient C(n)*)
C1[n_] := (2/(H*Sinh[n*Pi*L/H]))*Integrate[g2[y]*Sin[(n*Pi*y)/L], {y, 0, H}]
(*coefficient D(n)*)
D1[n_] := (2/(H*Sinh[n*Pi*L/H]))*Integrate[g1[y]*Sin[(n*Pi*y)/L], {y, 0, H}]
(*Partial solutions*)
w1[x_, y_, N_] := Sum[A[n]*Sinh[n*Pi*y/L]*Sin[n*Pi*x/L], {n, 1, N}]
w2[x_, y_, N_] := Sum[B[n]*Sinh[n*Pi*y/L]*Sin[n*Pi*x/L], {n, 1, N}]
w3[x_, y_, N_] := Sum[C1[n]*Sinh[n*Pi*x/H]*Sin[n*Pi*y/H], {n, 1, N}]
w4[x_, y_, N_] := Sum[D1[n]*Sinh[n*Pi*x/H]*Sin[n*Pi*y/H], {n, 1, N}]
w[x_, y_, N_] := w1[x, y, N] + w2[x, y, N] + w3[x, y, N] + w4[x, y, N]
(*General solution*)
sol2 = w[x, y, 30]
Plot3D[sol2, {x, 0, L}, {y, 0, H}, Mesh -> Automatic,
MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, PlotTheme -> Automatic,
AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "w"}, PlotLabel -> "Laplace equation"]
leqn = Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}] == 0;
bc = {u[x, 0] == 23, u[x, H] == 1, u[0, y] == -2, u[L, y] == 31};
sol = FullSimplify[u[x, y] /. DSolve[{leqn, bc}, u[x, y], {x, y}][[1]]]
asol = sol /. \[Infinity] -> 30 // Activate
Plot3D[asol, {x, 0, L}, {y, 0, H}, PlotRange -> All]