We can use PI algorithm described in the paper Numerical Conformal Mapping with Rational Functions.The function for conformal mapping can be computed as follows
reg1 = Triangle[{{2, 1}, {2, 3}, {0, 4}}]; reg2 =
ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^3 < 2 && y > x^2, {x, y}];
f[reg_, order_] :=
Module[{Z, A, B, eq, g, vec, mat, sol, R1, z1, bndedges,
bndvertices, bpts, b, b0, aa, bb}, z1 = N@RegionCentroid[reg];
R1 = ToElementMesh[reg, "MaxBoundaryCellMeasure" -> .01,
"MaxCellMeasure" -> .001];
bndedges = R1["BoundaryElements"][[1, 1]];
bndvertices = Sort@DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[bndedges]];
bpts = R1["Coordinates"][[bndvertices]];
b = ConstantArray[0., Length[R1["Coordinates"]]];
b0 = b[[
bndvertices]] = -0.5 Log[
Total[(bpts - ConstantArray[z1, Length[bpts]])^2, {2}]];
With[{nn = order},
Z = {x, y} |-> Table[ComplexExpand[(x + I y)^n], {n, 0, nn}];
A = Array[aa, {nn + 1}]; B = Array[bb, {nn + 1}];
g = {x, y} |-> ComplexExpand[(A + I B) . Z[x, y]]];
eq = -b0 + (g[#[[1]] - z1[[1]], #[[2]] - z1[[2]]] & /@ bpts) /.
I -> 0;
{vec, mat} = CoefficientArrays[Join[{bb[1]}, eq], Join[A, B]];
sol = LeastSquares[mat, -vec];
With[{nn = order},
Do[aa[i] = sol[[i]];
bb[i] = sol[[nn + 1 + i]];, {i, nn + 1}]]; {{x, y} |->
ComplexExpand[((x + I y) - (z1[[1]] + I z1[[2]])) Exp[
g[x - z1[[1]], y - z1[[2]]]]]]], {x, y} |->
ComplexExpand[(A + I B) . Z[x, y]], z1, R1}];
Example of usage
{f1, g1, z1, mesh1} = f[reg1, 32];
{Plot3D[Evaluate[g1[x - z1[[1]], y - z1[[2]]]] // Re,
Element[{x, y}, reg1], ColorFunction -> Hue],
Plot3D[Evaluate[g1[x - z1[[1]], y - z1[[2]]]] // Im,
Element[{x, y}, reg1], ColorFunction -> Hue]}
{f2, g2, z2, mesh2} = f[reg2, 32];
{Plot3D[Evaluate[g2[x - z2[[1]], y - z2[[2]]]] // Re,
Element[{x, y}, reg2], ColorFunction -> Hue],
Plot3D[Evaluate[g2[x - z2[[1]], y - z2[[2]]]] // Im,
Element[{x, y}, reg2], ColorFunction -> Hue]}
Mesh lines on reg2
rho2 = ContourPlot[Abs[f2[x, y]], Element[{x, y}, reg2],
Contours -> Range[.1, .9, .1],
ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y}, Hue[1/3, 1, 1, .5]],
AspectRatio -> Automatic];
arg2 = ContourPlot[Arg[f2[x, y]], Element[{x, y}, reg2],
Contours -> Pi Range[-.8, .8, .1],
ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y}, Hue[1/3, 1, 1, .25]],
AspectRatio -> Automatic, ExclusionsStyle -> Black];
Show[rho2, arg2]
Mesh lines on reg1
rho1 = ContourPlot[Abs[f1[x, y]], Element[{x, y}, reg1],
Contours -> Range[.1, .9, .1],
ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y}, Hue[1/3, 1, 1, .5]],
AspectRatio -> Automatic];
arg1 = ContourPlot[Arg[f1[x, y]], Element[{x, y}, reg1],
ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y}, Hue[1/3, 1, 1, .25]],
AspectRatio -> Automatic, Contours -> Pi Range[-.8, .8, .1],
PlotPoints -> 50];
Show[rho1, arg1]
First attempt.
We can try approach that recommended by yarchik and implemented by
Henrik Schumacher here. We have
reg1 = Triangle[{{2, 1}, {2, 3}, {0, 4}}]; reg2 =
ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^3 < 2 && y > x^2, {x, y}];
f[reg_] :=
Module[{R, p, z0, ufun, vfun},
R = ToElementMesh[reg, "MeshOrder" -> 1,
"MaxBoundaryCellMeasure" -> .01, "MaxCellMeasure" -> .001];
z0 = N@RegionCentroid[reg];
(*Initialization of Finite Element Method*)
vd = NDSolve`VariableData[{"DependentVariables",
"Space"} -> {{u}, {x, y}}];
sd = NDSolve`SolutionData[{"Space"} -> {R}];
cdata =
InitializePDECoefficients[vd, sd,
"DiffusionCoefficients" -> {{-IdentityMatrix[2]}},
"MassCoefficients" -> {{1}}];
bcdata =
sd, {DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0., True]}];
mdata = InitializePDEMethodData[vd, sd];
dpde = DiscretizePDE[cdata, mdata, sd];
dbc = DiscretizeBoundaryConditions[bcdata, mdata, sd];
{load, stiffness, damping, mass} = dpde["All"];
DeployBoundaryConditions[{load, stiffness}, dbc];
(*Preparation of Dirichlet boundary conditions for u*)
bndedges = R["BoundaryElements"][[1, 1]];
bndvertices = Sort@DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[bndedges]];
bpts = R["Coordinates"][[bndvertices]];
b = ConstantArray[0., Length[R["Coordinates"]]];
b[[bndvertices]] = -0.5 Log[
Total[(bpts - ConstantArray[z0, Length[bpts]])^2, {2}]];
(*Solving the system and creating an interpolating function*)
solver = LinearSolve[stiffness, Method -> "Pardiso"];
uvals = solver[b];
ufun = ElementMeshInterpolation[{R}, uvals];
(*Preparation of Neumann boundary conditions for v*)
gradu = {x, y} |-> Evaluate[D[ufun[x, y], {{x, y}, 1}]];
J = N@RotationMatrix[Pi/2];
p = R["Coordinates"];
{i, j} = Transpose[R["BoundaryElements"][[1, 1]]];
normalprojections =
1]], (gradu @@@ (0.5 (p[[i]] + p[[j]]))) . (-J)];
boundaryedgelengts = Sqrt[Total[(p[[i]] - p[[j]])^2, {2}]];
{\[Alpha], \[Beta]} = Transpose[bndedges];
vertexbndedgeconnectivity =
Transpose[{Join[\[Alpha], \[Beta]],
Join[Range[Length[\[Alpha]]], Range[Length[\[Beta]]]]}] ->
1, {Length[p], Length[bndedges]}];
(*Solving the system and creating an interpolating function*)
b = vertexbndedgeconnectivity . (normalprojections \
vvals = solver[b];
vfun = ElementMeshInterpolation[{R}, vvals];
{x, y} |->
ReIm[((x + I y) - (z0[[1]] + I z0[[2]])) Exp[
ufun[x, y]] (Cos[vfun[x, y]] + I Sin[vfun[x, y]])]]]];
We use function f
at reg1, reg2
as follows
f1 = f[reg1];
With[{R =
ToElementMesh[reg1, "MeshOrder" -> 1,
"MaxBoundaryCellMeasure" -> .01, "MaxCellMeasure" -> .001]},
p = R["Coordinates"];
tex = ColorData["BrightBands", "Image"];
texcoords =
Transpose[{Total[(f1 @@@ p)^2, {2}], ConstantArray[0.5, Length[p]]}];
g1 = {Graphics[{Texture[tex],
VertexTextureCoordinates -> texcoords]}, PlotRange -> All],
VertexTextureCoordinates -> texcoords,
"CoordinateConversion" -> (f1 @@@ # &)]}]}]
f2 = f[reg2];
With[{R =
ToElementMesh[reg2, "MeshOrder" -> 1,
"MaxBoundaryCellMeasure" -> .01, "MaxCellMeasure" -> .001]},
p = R["Coordinates"];
tex = ColorData["BrightBands", "Image"];
texcoords =
Transpose[{Total[(f2 @@@ p)^2, {2}], ConstantArray[0.5, Length[p]]}];
g1 = {Graphics[{Texture[tex],
VertexTextureCoordinates -> texcoords]}, PlotRange -> All],
VertexTextureCoordinates -> texcoords,
"CoordinateConversion" -> (f2 @@@ # &)]}]}]
Nothing new above, but now we can map reg2
to reg1
using FindRoot
z0 = N@RegionCentroid[reg2];
ps = Sort[p, Norm[# - z0] &];
ds = f2[#[[1]], #[[2]]] & /@ ps;
z1 = N@RegionCentroid[reg1];
ps1 = Table[{x, y} /.
f1[x, y] == ds[[i]], {x, z1[[1]]}, {y, z1[[2]]}], {i,
kmax = First[Last[Length[ps] // FactorInteger]];
nmax = Length[ps]/kmax;
Table[Take[ps, {kmax i + 1, kmax (i + 1)}], {i, 0, nmax - 1}],
PlotStyle -> cl],
Table[Take[ps1, {kmax i + 1, kmax (i + 1)}], {i, 0, nmax - 1}],
AspectRatio -> 1, PlotStyle -> cl, PlotLegends -> Automatic]}
We also can check how parts of reg2
map at reg
cl = {Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Black, Gray};
Table[{ListPlot[Take[ps, {kmax i + 1, kmax (i + 1)}],
PlotStyle -> cl[[i + 1]]],
ListPlot[Take[ps1, {kmax i + 1, kmax (i + 1)}], AspectRatio -> 1,
PlotStyle -> cl[[i + 1]]]}, {i, 0, nmax - 1}]
Update 1. Given the pictures that the user cvgmt provided us (thanks to him), we need to check how Schumacher's code calculates the functions ufun, vfun
. For this we used NDSolve
and our code with PI algorithm implemented in it - see paper Numerical Conformal Mapping with Rational Functions. NDSolve
code is very simple
reg1 = Triangle[{{2, 1}, {2, 3}, {0, 4}}]; reg2 =
ImplicitRegion[x^2 + y^3 < 2 && y > x^2, {x, y}];
z1 = N@RegionCentroid[reg1]; R1 =
ToElementMesh[reg1, "MaxBoundaryCellMeasure" -> .01,
"MaxCellMeasure" -> .001];
U1 = NDSolveValue[{-Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}] == 0,
u[x, y] == -.5 Log[(x - z1[[1]])^2 + (y - z1[[2]])^2], True]}, u,
Element[{x, y}, R1]];
Plot3D[U1[x, y], Element[{x, y}, reg1], ColorFunction -> Hue]
The PI algorithm is based on the series expansion of a function $g(z)=u(z)+i v(z)$, where $\nabla^2 u=0$ with the Dirichlet condition $u=-\ln|z-z1|$. To compute $u,v$ we use mesh R1
generated above:
bndedges = R1["BoundaryElements"][[1, 1]];
bndvertices = Sort@DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[bndedges]];
bpts = R1["Coordinates"][[bndvertices]];
b = ConstantArray[0., Length[R1["Coordinates"]]];
b0 = b[[bndvertices]] = -0.5 Log[
Total[(bpts - ConstantArray[z1, Length[bpts]])^2, {2}]];
With[{nn = 32},
Z = {x, y} |-> Table[ComplexExpand[(x + I y)^n], {n, 0, nn}];
A = Array[aa, {nn + 1}]; B = Array[bb, {nn + 1}];
g = {x, y} |-> ComplexExpand[(A + I B) . Z[x, y]]];
eq = -b0 + (g[#[[1]] - z1[[1]], #[[2]] - z1[[2]]] & /@ bpts) /. I -> 0;
{vec, mat} = CoefficientArrays[Join[{bb[1]}, eq], Join[A, B]];
sol = LeastSquares[mat, -vec];
With[{nn = 32},
Do[aa[i] = sol[[i]]; bb[i] = sol[[nn + 1 + i]];, {i, nn + 1}]];
Now we can compare U1
computed with NDSolve
, ufun
computed with Henrik Schumacher code (function f
above), and function u=Re[g[z-z1]]
{Plot3D[U1[x, y], Element[{x, y}, reg1], ColorFunction -> Hue],
Plot3D[ufun[x, y], Element[{x, y}, reg1], ColorFunction -> Hue],
Plot3D[Evaluate[g[x - z1[[1]], y - z1[[2]]]] // Re,
Element[{x, y}, reg1], ColorFunction -> Hue]}
Fortunately all 3 functions look same
But unfortunately functions vfun
and Im[g[z-z1]]
are differ
{Plot3D[vfun[x, y], Element[{x, y}, reg1], ColorFunction -> Hue],
Plot3D[Evaluate[g[x - z1[[1]], y - z1[[2]]]] // Im,
Element[{x, y}, reg1], ColorFunction -> Hue]}
Using g[z]
computed above we can define conformal mapping reg1
on the unit disk as follows
f1p = {x, y} |->
ComplexExpand[((x + I y) - (z1[[1]] + I z1[[2]])) Exp[
g[x - z1[[1]], y - z1[[2]]]] ]]];
Finally we test f1p
using code provided by cvgmt
disktoreg1 =
ParametricPlot[{x, y}, {x, y} \[Element] reg1,
MeshFunctions -> {Function[{x, y},
Norm@{Indexed[f1p[x, y], 1], Indexed[f1p[x, y], 2]}],
Function[{x, y},
ArcTan @@ {Indexed[f1p[x, y], 1], Indexed[f1p[x, y], 2]}]},
Frame -> False, Axes -> False, Mesh -> {30, 30}];
reg1todisk =
ParametricPlot[f1p[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] reg1,
MeshFunctions -> {Function[{x, y}, Norm@{x, y}],
Function[{x, y}, ArcTan @@ {x, y}]}, Frame -> False,
Axes -> False, Mesh -> {30, 30}];
GraphicsRow[{disktoreg1, reg1todisk}]
Now it looks like conformal map since all grid lines are orthogonal.
It is clear that function vfun
computed with higher error and we need to improve code for f
. On the other hand we can use more simple approach based on PI algorithm.
The result of the reg2