Consider a simple 2nd-order differential equation with a parameter $a$, which can be solved with DSolve
soly=DSolve[y''[x] + a/y[x]^3 == 0, y[x], x, Assumptions -> a > 0]
(*{{y[x] -> -(Sqrt[-a + x^2 C[1]^2 + 2 x C[1]^2 C[2] + C[1]^2 C[2]^2]/Sqrt[C[1]])},
{y[x] -> Sqrt[-a + x^2 C[1]^2 + 2 x C[1]^2 C[2] + C[1]^2 C[2]^2]/Sqrt[C[1]]}}*)
I am interested in the one without the negative sign. It may be convenient to assign some simple values to the undetermined constants to observe the structure of the solution:
soly[[2, 1, 2]] /. {C[1] -> 1, C[2] -> 1}
(*Sqrt[1 - a + 2 x + x^2]*)
That seems okay, but if one tries y=a^1/4 * Sqrt[2 x]
, it also satisfies the equation.
y2[x] = a^(1/4)*Sqrt[2 x];
D[y2[x], {x, 2}]
(*-(a^(1/4)/(2 Sqrt[2] x^(3/2)))*)
(*a^(1/4)/(2 Sqrt[2] x^(3/2))*)
I am wondering how can I choose the different solutions, or if the solutions are basically equivalent to each other. In particular, the $a^{1/4}$ prefactor in the latter solution is very different (in the sense of structure) from the parameter $a$ under the square root in the DSolve
solution. Can someone help me to understand the difference? Thank you very much!
C[2] -> Sqrt[a]/C[1]
, and take the limit asC[1]
-> 0`. $\endgroup$