My MathKernel.exe resides in the following path: C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\MathKernel.exe.
I built a webMathematica application named "WebMathematica" and placed my entire application folder under the "Web-Apps" folder of Apache Geronimo. It's working fine. My Mathkernel was initialized using "mspConfiguration.xml" in the following way.
<KernelExecutable>C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\MathKernel.exe</KernelExecutable>
After this, I copied this entire folder and pasted it in I:\Projects. I opened the command prompt (cmd) and converted my application into a ".war" file.
Finally, I got a WebMathematica.war file. I then deployed this file in Apache Geronimo.
I started my application server, and here I observed that Mathkernel wasn't initialized, so my application was not working as well.
The problem was the kernel path, the one that I list in the "MSPCOnfiguration.xml" file. I believe that once a.war
file has been created, we can't access outside paths.
My question is how to fix this.
I never use any IDE
function in my earlier question.that one already I wrote in my earlier project. $\endgroup$