I'm really a noob on Mathematica. I would like to create a layout of multiple plots in Mathematica.
I've a function that calculates the solution, over time, of a system of differential equations. The results are to be plotted. In order to compare different solutions, I want a plot showing a 6X6 grid of LogPlot
I'm adding an example of my code
function[a0_, b0_, c0_, d0_, e0_, f0_] :=
Block[{replacerules, sssol},
replacerules = {a -> a0, b -> b0, c -> c0, d -> d0};
sssol = NSolve[Sys /. replacerules, {x,y,z}], ];
numint = NDSolve[ SysDiff /. sssol ,{x,y,z},{t, 0, 100},];
p = LogPlot[x[t] /.numint, y[t] /.numint, z[t] /.numint];
GraphicsGrid[ Table[function[a, b, c, d, e, f],
{a, -1, 4},
{b, -1, 4}]],
{c, -10, -4},
{d, -4, 2, 1},
{e, 1, 20, 1}]
This is a really really simplified version of the code. I hope it can help.
My function takes as input some parameters and uses them to calculate the solution of a system of differential equations. Then everything is plotted with the help of Manipulate and Table to combine different parameters values.
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