I wish to verify the following matrix exponential identity using Mathematica:
$$ \mathbb{e}^{i.x.\hat{n}.\sigma}= \cos{x}.\mathbb{I}+ i\sin{x}(\hat{n}.\sigma) $$
where $\mathbb{I}$ is the $2\times2$ identity matrix, $i$ is the imaginary unit, $\hat{n}$ is an arbitrary $3$-dimensional unit vector, $x$ is an arbitrary real number, and $\sigma$ is the $3$ component Pauli vector(whose components each contain one of the Pauli matrices).
I have tried the following:
A = Array[PauliMatrix, 3]
n = Normalize[{a,b,c}]
MatrixExp[I*x*(n . A)] == Cos[x]*IdentityMatrix[2] + I*Sin[x]*(n . A)
but, to no avail. Can someone give any suggestions?
on your comparison of the two sides? Regarding your post formatting, it is better to see your code when you format it using code blocks. $\endgroup$