I was having a look at the following Wolfram demonstration that is pertinent to my current work.
Demonstration: 2D Lid-driven Stokes flow
(And here is a quick report that outlines the problem and solution method: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341090559_2-D_Stokes_Solution_for_Lid-Driven_Cavity_Flow)
It plots the streamlines for a certain problem in fluid dynamics, e.g
What I would like to do is get the raw data that is used to generate this plot. However, if you look at the source code used to make this visualization, all of the relevant data is wrapped inside a Manipulate[Module ... ] ]
environment, so they are all local variables. When I tried to extract the code out of the module, it didn't work (Ran it for 10 minutes and it didn't terminate whereas the original takes a few seconds.)
I would like to be able to get the data stored inside the sol
array using Nx=101
, Ny=101
, and gamma=1
, and export it to some useful format, like .csv
. How can I do that?
Note: I know my question is similar to this one, but I don't just want the data used to make the plot. I want the full array named sol
Source code is below.
Module[{a, b, Nx, Ny, \[Psi], \[Omega], StreamfuncEqn, VorticityEqn,
SFBC1, SFBC2, SFBC3, SFBC4, VortBC1, VortBC2, VortBC3, VortBC4,
Eqns, systemEqns, var, SFData1, \[Gamma], h, sol, A, b1, myarrow,
plt1, Nymax, Nxmax, contours},
Nxmax = 101; Nymax = 101;
a = 1; b = 1; Nx = Nxmax; Ny = Nymax; \[Gamma] = gamma;
h = a/(Nx - 1) // N;
contours =
Which[gamma == 1, {-0.0015, -0.01, -0.03, -0.05, -0.09, -5 10^-7 ,
10^-7 , 10^-6, 5 10^-6},
gamma == 2, {-0.0015, -0.02, -0.05, -0.07, -5 10^-7, 10^-6,
gamma ==
3, {-0.0015, -0.0075, -0.02, -0.03698, -0.045, -0.049, -5 10^-7,
10^-6, 10^-11},
gamma ==
4, {-0.0015, -0.0075, -0.02, -0.03, -0.03698, -0.045, -0.049, -5 \
10^-7, 10^-6, 10^-11},
gamma == 0.75, {-0.0010, -0.0075, -0.05, -0.09, -5 10^-7, -10^-6,
10^-6, 10^-11},
gamma == 0.5, {-0.001, -0.005, -0.02, -0.05, -0.08, -5 10^-7,
10^-6, 10^-4, 2 10^-4, 2 10^-5, -2 10^-9}, gamma == 0.25,
Sort[{-0.05, -0.005, -0.0015, -0.0002, -5 10^-7, -10^-8, -10^-9, \
- 10^-7, 10^-6, 10^-4, 10^-5, 2 10^-4, 10^-9, 3.5 10^-9, 7 10^-9,
1.5 10^-9, 10^-10}], gamma == 0.20,
Sort[{-0.05, -0.005, -0.0015, -0.0002, -5 10^-7, -10^-8, -10^-9, \
- 10^-7, 10^-6, 10^-4, 10^-5, 2 10^-4, 10^-9, 3.5 10^-9, 7 10^-9,
1.5 10^-9, 10^-10}]];
j_] := (\[Psi][i + 1, j] + \[Psi][i - 1, j] -
2 \[Psi][i,
j] + \[Gamma]^2 (\[Psi][i, j - 1] + \[Psi][i, j + 1] -
2 \[Psi][i, j]) + h^2 \[Omega][i, j]) == 0;
j_] := (\[Omega][i + 1, j] + \[Omega][i - 1, j] -
2 \[Omega][i,
j] + \[Gamma]^2 (\[Omega][i, j - 1] + \[Omega][i, j + 1] -
2 \[Omega][i, j])) == 0;
SFBC1 = Table[\[Psi][i, 1] == 0, {i, 1, Nx}];
SFBC2 = Table[\[Psi][Nx, j] == 0, {j, 2, Ny - 1}];
SFBC3 = Table[\[Psi][i, Ny] == 0, {i, 1, Nx}];
SFBC4 = Table[\[Psi][1, j] == 0, {j, 2, Ny - 1}];
VortBC1 =
Table[\[Omega][1, j] == -2 \[Psi][2, j]/h^2, {j, 2, Ny - 1}];
VortBC2 =
Table[\[Omega][i, 1] == -2 \[Gamma]^2 \[Psi][i, 2]/h^2, {i, 1, Nx}];
VortBC3 =
Table[\[Omega][Nx, j] == -2 \[Psi][Nx - 1, j]/h^2, {j, 2, Ny - 1}];
VortBC4 =
Ny] == -2 \[Gamma]^2 (\[Psi][i, Ny - 1] + h/\[Gamma])/h^2, {i,
1, Nx}];
Eqns = Table[{StreamfuncEqn[i, j], VorticityEqn[i, j]}, {i, 2,
Nx - 1}, {j, 2, Ny - 1}] // Flatten;
systemEqns =
Join[Eqns, SFBC1, SFBC2, SFBC3, SFBC4, VortBC1, VortBC2, VortBC3,
var = Union[
Cases[systemEqns, \[Psi][_, _] | \[Omega][_, _], \[Infinity]]];
{b1, A} = CoefficientArrays[systemEqns, var];
sol = LinearSolve[A, -b1];
SFData1 = Transpose[Partition[Take[sol, Length[var]/2], Ny]];
plt1 = ListContourPlot[SFData1, Contours -> contours,
ColorFunction -> "Pastel", ContourShading -> Automatic,
ContourStyle -> Black, DataRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1/\[Gamma]}},
FrameLabel -> {Style[x, 16], Style[y, 16]},
AspectRatio -> Automatic, MaxPlotPoints -> Infinity,
InterpolationOrder -> 2, PlotRange -> {Full, Full, All},
Frame -> True, ImageSize -> 400 {1, 1},
Epilog -> {{Transparent, EdgeForm[{Thickness[0.007], Black}],
Rectangle[{0, 0}, {1, 1/gamma}]}}]],
{{gamma, 1, "cavity aspect ratio (W/H) ="}, {0.20, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,
1, 2, 3, 4}, ControlType -> Setter},
TrackedSymbols -> {gamma}, ControlPlacement -> Top,
ContentSize -> {450, 450}]