
I want to plot (0.25)^(2+i) on the Argand diagram.

Can anyone help me with it?

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    Jan 25, 2023 at 5:24

2 Answers 2


Just find the real and imaginary parts of your input. The x coordinates are the real parts and the y coordinates are the imaginary part. Then using ListLinePlot to make the plot

Mathematica graphics

expr = (0.25)^(2 + I)
x = Re[expr]; y = Im[expr]
ListLinePlot[{{x, y}}, Mesh -> All, MeshStyle -> Red, 
 AxesLabel -> {"Real part", "Imaginary part"}, 
 PlotRange -> {{-2*Abs[x], 2*Abs[x]}, {-2*Abs[y], 2*Abs[y]}}, 
 GridLines -> Automatic, GridLinesStyle -> LightGray]

Mostly to demonstrate some built-in functions for handling complex numbers:

a = 0.25^(2 + I);
{Abs[a], Arg[a]*180/π, Re[a], Im[a]}

{0.0625, -79.4288, 0.0114661, -0.0614392}

 {0.25^(2 + I)}
 , PlotStyle -> {Directive[Black
    , Opacity[0.5]
    , AbsolutePointSize[6]
 , AxesLabel -> {"Re", "Im"}
 , PlotRange -> {{-.1, .1}, {-0.15, 0.05}}
 , Epilog -> {
   {Red, Dashed, Circle[{Re[a], Im[a]}, Abs[a]]}
   , {Red, AbsolutePointSize[6]
    , Line[{{0, 0}, {Re[a], Im[a]}}]}

enter image description here


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