I am trying to solve a system of ODEs using some amplitude and frequency with NDSolve
, but I get some warnings which is included here.
I think my program is fine until before SolAv
. But, I could not find why this warning appears. The code I used is included here
Clear[LΛ, f, c, cn, A, v, An, As, vs, Q0]
(* *)
LΛ[f_] := (8 π ν ρ f)/ρ;
c = cn An/A[x, t];
Eq1 = Simplify[D[A[x, t], t] + D[A[x, t] v[x, t], x]];
Eq2 = Simplify[
A[x, t] D[v[x, t], t] + A[x, t] v[x, t] D[v[x, t], x] +
c^2 D[A[x, t], x] + LΛ[v[x, t]] /.
R -> Sqrt[A[x, t]/π]];
A[x_, t_] = As[x]; v[x_, t_] = vs[x];
vs[x_] = Q0/As[x];
LE = Simplify[{Eq1, Eq2}];
Sols = DSolve[{LE[[2]] == 0, As[L] == An}, As[x], x];
Am = {1.1290263207533879`*^-7 - 7.473554942563208`*^-8 I,
3.9210392313242154`*^-7 -
5.198540412010037`*^-7 I, -3.666731498809855`*^-8 +
4.026529625379335`*^-7 I,
2.907927596300974`*^-7 +
6.688553949022083`*^-7 I, -5.901727476937829`*^-7 -
6.780384037260203`*^-7 I, -3.4029233536625084`*^-7 -
2.1769713736464412`*^-7 I,
5.06797091099388`*^-7 -
2.5532173494757542`*^-8 I, -5.4970528551404145`*^-9 -
7.182784241041546`*^-8 I, -3.491221569640317`*^-7 +
2.6310572644437936`*^-7 I, -1.1440129576533528`*^-8 -
1.7690933852144399`*^-7 I};
ffp = {2/7, 4/7, 6/7, 8/7, 10/7, 12/7, 2, 16/7, 18/7, 20/7};
Clear[LΛ, f, c, cn, A, v, An, As, vs, Asf, vsf, Q0, \
ω, R, ν, ρ, EqIC, Qap, δ, vao, Aap]
AmpQ1 = {};
AmpQ2 = {};
TU = {};
TV = {};
TP = {};
TQ = {};
cn = 111 ;(*m/s*)
R0 = 4 10^-3; (*m*)
Q0 = 2.03 /1000/60; (*m^3/s*)
μ = 0.0147 ; (*pa-s*)
ρ = 1167;(*kg/m^3*)
ν = μ/ρ;
L = 10;
δ = 0.01;
An = π R0^2;
(*Tp=0.2;ω=2 π 1/Tp;*)
ω = 2 π ffp[[f]];
(*Print["Disharge fluctuation=",δ Q0];*)
M10C =
1 - 2 BesselJ[
1, α I^(3/2)]/(α I^(3/2)
BesselJ[0, α I^(3/2)] );
Par[α_] = I π μ α^2 (M10C^-1 - 1);
G[x_] =
Par[α] /. α -> Sqrt[A[x, t] ω/(π*ν)];
(*LΛ[f_]:=(8 π ν ρ f)/ρ;*)
τ[x_, t_] = G[x] v[x, t]/ρ;
(*LΛ[f_]:=(8 π ν ρ f)/ρ;*)
c = (cn An)/A[x, t];
Eq1 = Simplify[D[A[x, t], t] + D[A[x, t] v[x, t], x]];
Eq2 = Simplify[
A[x, t] D[v[x, t], t] + A[x, t] v[x, t] D[v[x, t], x] +
c^2 D[A[x, t], x] + τ[x, t](*LΛ[v[x,
A[x_, t_] = As[x] + ϵ Asf[x] E^(I ω t);
v[x_, t_] = vs[x] + ϵ vsf[x] E^(I ω t);
LEq = Series[{Eq1, Eq2}, {ϵ, 0, 1}] // Normal;
EqIC = Coefficient[LEq, ϵ] /. t -> 0;
(* steady flow solution *)
As[x_] =
An E^(-((8 π Q0 (L - x) ν)/(-An^2 cn^2 + Q0^2)));(*As[x_]=
An \[ExponentialE]^((7 π Q0 (L-x))/(12500 (An^2 cn^2-Q0^2)));*)
vs[x_] = Q0/As[x];
solAv =
Evaluate[{EqIC[[1]] == 0, EqIC[[2]] == 0,
Asf[L] == (- cn/I ω) Derivative[1][Asf][L] (*Asf[L]*),
Asf[0] vs[0] + As[0] vsf[0] == Am [[f]] }], {Asf[
x], vsf[x]}, {x, 0, L}];
, {f, 1, Length[ffp]}];
The code causes the warning
NDSolve::nlnum1: The function value
{(0. +0. I)-444/7 I π Asf'[10],-1.12903*10^-7+7.47355*10^-8 I}
is not a list of numbers with dimensions{2}
when the arguments are{0. +0. I,0. +0. I,0. +0. I,0. +0. I}
If you help me to resolve the problem, it will be helpful for me.
Please help me.