I have been recently solving a conjugate heat transfer problem, which involves fully-reversing or reciprocating flow of fluid over a heated block of solid. The problem is 2D and the temperature field is being evaluated for both the solid and the fluid. The following code (courtesy Alex) uses the finite-element approach:
{f = 8;
L = 0.040, d = 0.003, e = 0.005, kf = 0.026499, ks = 16,
rho = 1.1492, rhos = 7860, mu = 18.923*10^-6, cp = 1.069*10^3,
cps = 502.4}; u0 = 3.0; nu = mu/rho; om = 2 Pi f;
tflow = 0.125;
t0 = tflow/100;
NV = 2 f tflow;
nn = Round[NV \[Pi]/(om t0)]
Ti = 307.0; q = 5000.0/Ti;
reg1 = ImplicitRegion[0 <= x <= L && 0 <= y <= d, {x, y}];
reg2 = ImplicitRegion[0 <= x <= L && -e <= y <= d, {x, y}];
mesh = ToElementMesh[FullRegion[2], {{0, L}, {0, d}},
MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-7];
mesh1 = ToElementMesh[FullRegion[2], {{0, L}, {-e, d}},
MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-7];
UX[0][x_, y_] := 0;
VY[0][x_, y_] := 0;
P[0][x_, y_] := 0;
Tfs[0][x_, y_] := 307/Ti; appro =
With[{k = 2. 10^6}, ArcTan[k #]/Pi + 1/2 &];
ade[y_] := (ks + (kf - ks) appro[y])
rde[y_] := (cps rhos + (cp rho - cps rhos) appro[y]);
eqs = {Inactive[
Div][({{-\[Mu], 0}, {0, -\[Mu]}}.Inactive[Grad][
u[x, y], {x, y}]), {x, y}] + D[p[x, y], x] +
UX[i - 1][x, y]*D[u[x, y], x] +
VY[i - 1][x, y]*D[u[x, y], y] + (u[x, y] - UX[i - 1][x, y])/t0,
Div][({{-\[Mu], 0}, {0, -\[Mu]}}.Inactive[Grad][
v[x, y], {x, y}]), {x, y}] + D[p[x, y], y] +
UX[i - 1][x, y]*D[v[x, y], x] +
VY[i - 1][x, y]*D[v[x, y], y] + (v[x, y] - VY[i - 1][x, y])/t0,
D[u[x, y], x] + D[v[x, y], y]};
bc[i_] := {DirichletCondition[{u[x, y] == u0*Sin[om*i*t0],
v[x, y] == 0}, x == L (1 - Sign[Sin[om*i*t0]])/2 && 0 < y < d],
DirichletCondition[{u[x, y] == 0, v[x, y] == 0}, y == 0 || y == d],
DirichletCondition[p[x, y] == 0,
x == L (1 + Sign[Sin[om*i*t0]])/2 && 0 < y < d]};
Monitor[Do[{UX[i], VY[i], P[i]} =
NDSolveValue[{eqs == {0, 0, 0} /. \[Mu] -> nu, bc[i]}, {u, v,
p}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh,
Method -> {"FiniteElement",
"InterpolationOrder" -> {u -> 2, v -> 2, p -> 1}}];, {i, 1,
nn}], ProgressIndicator[i, {1, nn}]]; // AbsoluteTiming
Monitor[Do[ux = If[y <= 0, 0, UX[i][x, y]];
vy = If[y <= 0, 0, VY[i][x, y]];
Tfs[i] =
NDSolveValue[{rde[y] ((ux*D[T[x, y], x] + vy*D[T[x, y], y])) -
ade[y]*Inactive[Grad][T[x, y], {x, y}], {x, y}] ==
NeumannValue[q, y == -e],
DirichletCondition[{T[x, y] == 1},
x == L (1 - Sign[Sin[om*i*t0]])/2 && 0 <= y <= d]},
T, {x, y} \[Element] mesh1,
Method -> {"FiniteElement", "InterpolationOrder" -> {T -> 2}}] //
Quiet;, {i, 1, nn}],
ProgressIndicator[i, {1, nn}]] // AbsoluteTiming
Tsm[x_] = nn^-1 Sum[Tfs[i][x, -e/2]*Ti - 273.16, {i, 1, nn}];
Plot[Tsm[x], {x, 0, L}, PlotRange -> Full, GridLines -> Automatic]
Tfm[y_] = (1/nn) Sum[Tfs[i][L/2, y]*Ti - 273.16, {i, 1, nn}];
Plot[{ Tfm[y]}, {y, -e, d}, PlotRange -> Full, GridLines -> Automatic]
and Tfm[x]
are the cyclic average temperature profile in the solid (along the line y=-e/2
, i.e., streamwise direction) and the cyclic average temperature profile at a particular cross-section (x=L/2
), respectively. The above code works properly for the given mesh settings in the above code i.e., MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-7
. However, when I attempt a grid-independence test, i.e., run the simulation for a finer mesh like MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-8
, the results become absurd. Following are the plots for Tsm[x]
and Tfm[x]
at the finer mesh settings:
As can be seen, the values are absurdly high. For the coarser mesh, we get reasonable plots, like the following:
I think, that with a finer mesh, the results should stay same or get more accurate. I have tried with a smaller time step, i.e., t0=tflow/500
with MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-8
, but that did not help. How can this problem be resolved ?
For Bounty
The singularities have been removed by the accepted answer, by creating mesh in the non-dimensional space. However, problems arise when I conduct a grid-independence test, even using the modified code. The solutions Tsm[x]
and Tfm[x]
seem to converge to a particular solution up until MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-3
. However, when the mesh size is reduced further using MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-4
, they again diverge (although not absurdly).
These results have been summarized in excel sheets here. In these sheets Grid 1-4 refer to MaxCellMeasure -> 5*10^-3
, 10^-3
, 5*10^-4
and 10^-4
, respectively. I do understand now that some numerical methods diverge when $h \rightarrow 0$, but converge until $h \rightarrow h_{min}$. My question is, if I would have started my calculation directly using MaxCellMeasure -> 10^-4
, and then refined further, I would not be able to identify the optimum Mesh size where the solution is diverging. How can in such a scenario, one be assured that the solution is mesh independent ?
I tried accommodating the suggestions of @user21. I have used the following non-dimensionalisation scheme $u=U/u_0, x=X/d, y=Y/d, p=\frac{P}{\rho u_0^{2}}, \tau = \omega t$. $\omega=2\pi f$ is the flow reciprocation angular frequency, where $f$ is the frequency in Hz. Using this non-dimensional time allows us to march in time by $\pi$ intervals (at pi
the b.c. are to be switched). With this scheme I have the following equations:
$$\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial y}=0$$
$$\frac{\omega d}{u_0}\frac{\partial u}{\partial \tau} + u\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + v\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial p}{\partial x}-\frac{1}{Re}\big(\nabla^2 u\big)=0$$
$$\frac{\omega d}{u_0}\frac{\partial v}{\partial \tau} + u\frac{\partial v}{\partial x} + v\frac{\partial v}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial p}{\partial y}-\frac{1}{Re}\big(\nabla^2 v\big)=0$$
$$\omega d^2 \frac{\partial T}{\partial \tau}+u_0 d\big(u\frac{\partial T}{\partial x} + v\frac{\partial T}{\partial y}\big)-\frac{k}{\rho c_p}\big(\nabla^2 T\big)=0$$
The temperature is kept in the dimensional form.
In the non-dimensional space, the initial condition then becomes $T(0,x,y)=0, u(0,x,y)=0, v(0,x,y)=0, p(0,x,y)=0$, while the boundary condition becomes, $u(\tau, 0, y)=\sin(t)$ and $-\frac{\partial T}{\partial y}=\frac{qd}{k_s}$ at $y=-e/d$. The fluid thermal boundary conditions then become $T(\tau, 0, y)=0, T(\tau+\pi, L/d, y)=0$. Utilizing the contributions from Oleksii's answer (which was solved for a different form of non-dimensionalized equation of the same problem), I have utilized the monolithic approach of adding a momentum sink term to the momentum equations and modelling both the solid and fluid domains in one go. Following is the modified code:
L = 0.040 ;(*length of the channel*)
d = 0.003;(*depth of the fluid*)
e = 0.005;(*depth of the solid*)
l = L/d;(*dimensionless length*)
rhof = 1.1492;(*fluid density*)
rhos = 7860;(*density of solid*)
mu = 18.923*10^-6;(*dynamic viscosity*)
nu = mu/rhof;(*kinematic viscosity*)
ks = 16;(*conductivity of solid*)
kf = 0.026499;(*conductivity of liquid*)
cf = 1069;(*heat capacity of fluid*)
cs = 502.4;(*heat capacity of solid*)
AlphaF = kf/(cf*rhof);(*thermal diffusivity of fluid*)
AlphaS = ks/(cs*rhos);(*thermal diffusivity of solid*)
f = 2.0;(*flow oscillation frequency*)
period = 1/f;(*period*)
omega = 2*Pi/period;(*circular frequency*)
u0 = 1.;(*inflow velocity*)
q = 5000;(*heat flux density*)
Ti = 307;
re = d u0/(nu);
Pr = nu/AlphaF;
gamma = If[ElementMarker == 0, AlphaF/AlphaS, 1];
Nx = 30;(*number of elements in x-direction*)
NyF = 15;(*number of elements in y-direction in fluid*)
NyS = 5;(*number of elements in y-direction in solid*)
hy = 1./NyF;(*linear dimension of element in fluid*)
raster = {{{0, 0}, {l, 0}}, {{0, 1}, {l, 1}}};
MeshFluid = StructuredMesh[raster, {Nx, NyF}];
raster = {{{0, -e/d}, {l, -e/d}}, {{0, 0}, {l, 0}}};
MeshSolid = StructuredMesh[raster, {Nx, NyS}];
mesh = MergeMesh[MeshSolid, MeshFluid];
nodes = mesh["Coordinates"];
quads = mesh["MeshElements"][[1]][[1]];
mark = Table[z = Mean[nodes[[quads[[i]]]]][[2]];
If[z < 0, 0, 1], {i, 1, Length[quads]}];
MeshTotal1 =
ToElementMesh["Coordinates" -> nodes,
"MeshElements" -> {QuadElement[quads, mark]}];
MeshTotal2 = MeshOrderAlteration[MeshTotal1, 2];
Clear[TopWall, BottomWall, reference, HeatInpBC, op, c, rampFunction,
sf, UinfProfile, Profile];
rampFunction[min_, max_, c_, r_] :=
Function[t, (min*Exp[c*r] + max*Exp[r*t])/(Exp[c*r] + Exp[r*t])]
sf = rampFunction[0, 1, 0.25, 100];
Profile =
Interpolation[{{0, 0}, {hy, 1}, {1 - hy, 1}, {1, 0}},
InterpolationOrder -> 1];
Uc = 1/NIntegrate[Profile[y], {y, 0, 1}];(*calibration coefficient*)
UinfProfile[y_] := Uc*Profile[y];(*inflow velocity profile*)
appro = With[{k = 2. 10^6}, ArcTan[k #]/Pi + 1/2 &];
ade[y_] := (ks + (kf - ks) appro[y])
rde[y_] := (cs rhos + (cf rhof - cs rhos) appro[y]);
c = If[ElementMarker == 0, 10^6,
0];(*define the constant in momentum sink term*)op = {{{u[t, x, y],
v[t, x, y]}}.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}] +
Div][({{-(1/re), 0}, {0, -(1/re)}}.Inactive[Grad][
u[t, x, y], {x, y}]), {x, y}] + \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({x}\)]\(p[t, x, y]\)\) +
c u[t, x, y] + (omega d/u0) \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({t}\)]\(u[t, x,
y]\)\), {{u[t, x, y], v[t, x, y]}}.Inactive[Grad][
v[t, x, y], {x, y}] +
Div][({{-(1/re), 0}, {0, -(1/re)}}.Inactive[Grad][
v[t, x, y], {x, y}]), {x, y}] + \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({y}\)]\(p[t, x, y]\)\) +
c v[t, x, y] + (omega d/u0) \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({t}\)]\(v[t, x, y]\)\), \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({x}\)]\(u[t, x, y]\)\) + \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({y}\)]\(v[t, x,
y]\)\), (u0 d) ({u[t, x, y], v[t, x, y]}.Inactive[Grad][
T[t, x, y], {x, y}]) -
Div][((ade[y]/rde[y]) Inactive[Grad][T[t, x, y], {x, y}]), {x,
y}] + (omega d^2) \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({t}\)]\(T[t, x, y]\)\)};
TopWall =
DirichletCondition[{u[t, x, y] == 0, v[t, x, y] == 0}, y == 1];
BottomWall =
DirichletCondition[{u[t, x, y] == 0, v[t, x, y] == 0}, y <= 0];
(*setting pressure value in single node*)
reference = DirichletCondition[p[t, x, y] == 0., x == 0 && y == 0];
HeatInpBC = NeumannValue[(d q)/(ks Ti), y == -e/d];
Clear[UxLast, UyLast, TLast, PLast];
UxLast[x_, y_] := 0;
UyLast[x_, y_] := 0;
TLast[x_, y_] := 0;
PLast[x_, y_] := 0;
SolutData = {};
SolutData1 = {};
SolutData2 = {};
K = 10;(*number of half-periods considered*)
Monitor[Do[Clear[u, v, p, t, HeatDBC];
ti = (k - 1)*Pi;
tf = ti + Pi;
Clear[HeatDBC, Inflow, Outflow, bcs, ic, UxFun, UyFun, pressure,
If[k == 1,
Inflow =
DirichletCondition[{u[t, x, y] == sf[t]*Sin[t]*UinfProfile[y],
v[t, x, y] == 0}, x == 0 && y > 0 && y < 1];
Outflow =
DirichletCondition[{u[t, x, y] == sf[t]*Sin[t]*UinfProfile[y],
v[t, x, y] == 0}, x == l && y > 0 && y < 1],
Inflow =
DirichletCondition[{u[t, x, y] == Sin[t]*UinfProfile[y],
v[t, x, y] == 0}, x == 0 && y > 0 && y < 1];
Outflow =
DirichletCondition[{u[t, x, y] == Sin[t]*UinfProfile[y],
v[t, x, y] == 0}, x == l && y > 0 && y < 1]];
If[OddQ[k] == True,
HeatDBC =
DirichletCondition[T[t, x, y] == 0, x == 0 && y >= 0 && y <= 1],
HeatDBC =
DirichletCondition[T[t, x, y] == 0, x == l && y >= 0 && y <= 1]];
ic = {u[ti, x, y] == UxLast[x, y], v[ti, x, y] == UyLast[x, y],
p[ti, x, y] == PLast[x, y], T[ti, x, y] == TLast[x, y]};
bcs = {TopWall, BottomWall, Inflow, Outflow, reference, HeatDBC};
{UxFun, UyFun, pressure, TFun} =
NDSolveValue[{op == {0, 0, 0, HeatInpBC}, bcs, ic}, {u, v, p,
T}, {x, y} \[Element] MeshTotal2, {t, ti, tf},
MaxStepSize -> 8.37*10^-2,
Method -> {"TimeIntegration" -> {"IDA",
"MaxDifferenceOrder" -> 2},
"PDEDiscretization" -> {"MethodOfLines",
"TemporalVariable" -> t,
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement",
"PDESolveOptions" -> {"LinearSolver" -> "Pardiso"},
"InterpolationOrder" -> {u -> 2, v -> 2, p -> 1, T -> 2}}}}];
UxLast =
ElementMeshInterpolation[{MeshTotal2}, Last[UxFun["ValuesOnGrid"]]];
UyLast =
ElementMeshInterpolation[{MeshTotal2}, Last[UyFun["ValuesOnGrid"]]];
TLast =
ElementMeshInterpolation[{MeshTotal2}, Last[TFun["ValuesOnGrid"]]];
PLast =
n = Length[TFun["ValuesOnGrid"]];
n1 = Length[UxFun["ValuesOnGrid"]];
n2 = Length[UyFun["ValuesOnGrid"]];
m = If[k < K, n - 1, n];
Take[Transpose[{TFun[[3]][[1]], TFun["ValuesOnGrid"]}], {1, m,
m1 = If[k < K, n1 - 1, n1];
Take[Transpose[{UxFun[[3]][[1]], UxFun["ValuesOnGrid"]}], {1, m1,
m2 = If[k < K, n2 - 1, n2];
Take[Transpose[{UyFun[[3]][[1]], UyFun["ValuesOnGrid"]}], {1, m2,
10}]];, {k, 1, K}], ProgressIndicator[k, {1, K}]]
Clear[TsolVec, TFun]
TsolVec =
Interpolation[Flatten[SolutData, 1], InterpolationOrder -> 1];
TFun[t_?NumericQ] :=
ElementMeshInterpolation[{MeshTotal2}, TsolVec[t]]
Plot[TFun[t][0.5 l, -e/(2 d)]*Ti, {t, 0, K*Pi},
GridLines -> Automatic, PlotRange -> Full]
The last line plots the solid temperature (dimensional) at a point for the simulated non-dimensional time.
However, as can be seen the temperature values are considerably blown up.
(u[x, y] - UX[i - 1][x, y])/t0
but instead useD[u[t,x,y],t]
and leave the time-stepping toNDSolve
by using theMaxStepSize
command ? In that case, the iteratori
should only control the switching of the boundary conditions at the end of each half-period to execute the flow reciprocation, right ? Also, the energy equation still needs to be solved separately or that too should be in conjunction with the momentum and continuity ? $\endgroup$