Firstly, I'm going to find the roots of transcendental equation then assign the roots into an equation to solve it. However, I don't know how to ask Mathematica to assign the roots into the equation.
β = {0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100};k=0.5;
eqn = Table[α[n]*BesselJ[1, α[n]] == BesselJ[0, α[n]] *β[[n]], {n, 1, 5}];
roots = Table[FindRoot[eqn[[n]], {α[n], 1}], {n, 1, 5}]
The output which are the roots of given transcendental equation:
is the equation that I need to assign the roots then I want to get the summation of a1
. This is where I stuck because I don't know how to ask Mathematica to assign the roots that I got previously into equation a1
then find the summation of a1
as in the table below.
a1 = (BesselJ[0, k α[n]]^2 + BesselJ[1, k α[n]]^2) BesselY[1, k α[n]]^2;
find[m_] := Sum[a1, {n, 1}]
lst = Join[{{"β", "α[n]", "a1"}},Table[{β[[n]], roots[[n, 1, 2]], find[n]}, {n, 1, 5}]];
Grid[lst, Dividers -> All]
This table below is what I expected to get however for the summation of a1
I'm not able to solve it.
the variablem
does not appear on the right hand side. The question is also not very clear. Are you familiar with/.
? See this tutorial for example. $\endgroup$