
I'm struggling to simplify this expression.

 t > 0 && Element[N1, PositiveIntegers] && 
  Element[N2, PositiveIntegers], 
  Abs[-((E^(-I N2 t) (N2 - N1 N2))/(N1 N2)) - (
     2 E^(1/2 I (-Sqrt[N1] - N2 + Sqrt[
         N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) t) N2)/(-N1 + 
      2 Sqrt[N1] N2 - 4 N1 N2 - N2^2 + 
      Sqrt[N1] Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2] - 
      N2 Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) + (
     2 E^(1/2 I (-Sqrt[N1] - N2 - Sqrt[
         N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) t) N2)/(
     N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2 + 
      Sqrt[N1] Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2] - 
      N2 Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2])]^2]]

where N1 and N2 are natural numbers, and t is positive real. After I ComplexExpand, I obtain a very long expression:

enter image description here

where (if i show all) I see lots of Arg(...), so Arguments of real numbers (which is 0, but Mathematica seems to not know).

If the expression was shorter, I could get rid of all with FullSimplify, but if I do it, Mathematica keeps evaluating for ages without giving me a result.

QUESTION: How to tell Mathematica to set all this Arg(...) to 0, so I can FullSimplify faster?

NOTE: I'm 100% sure that all numbers in Arg() are REAL.


2 Answers 2


You raised an important problem (I also face with it quite often.). The following

 Assuming[t > 0 && Element[N1, PositiveIntegers] &&  Element[N2, PositiveIntegers], 
 ComplexExpand[ Abs[-((E^(-I N2 t) (N2 - N1 N2))/(N1 N2)) - (
 2 E^(1/2 I (-Sqrt[N1] - N2 + Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) t) N2)/(-N1 +  2 Sqrt[N1] N2 - 4 N1 N2 - N2^2 + 
  Sqrt[N1] Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2] - 
  N2 Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) + (
 2 E^(1/2 I (-Sqrt[N1] - N2 - Sqrt[  N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) t) N2)/(
 N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2 + 
  Sqrt[N1] Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2] - 
  N2 Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2])]^2]]/.{Arg[N1] -> 0, Arg[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4 N1*N2 + N2^2] -> 0}

works well, cancelling all Args and shortening the output from 8 MB to 0.7 MB. I'd like to notice that Arg[-1]!=0 as well as other negative numbers.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you! You solved my problem $\endgroup$
    – fcoulomb
    Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 13:54
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Or since the OP knows that all arguments are zero, just {Arg[_] -> 0} $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 14:37
  • $\begingroup$ The argument of the OP " Arguments of real numbers (which is 0, but Mathematica seems to not know" is not correct. I'd like to notice that Arg[-1]!=0 as well as of other negative numbers one more time. We have to ground it by Resolve[ForAll[{N1, N2}, {N1, N2} \[Element] PositiveIntegers, N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4 N1*N2 + N2^2 >= 0]] which results in True. This verification is valid for real {N1,N2}>1 too. $\endgroup$
    – user64494
    Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 18:01


stuff= -((E^(-I N2 t) (N2 - N1 N2))/(N1 N2)) - (2 E^(1/
        2 I (-Sqrt[N1] - N2 + 
         Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) t) N2)/(-N1 + 
    2 Sqrt[N1] N2 - 4 N1 N2 - N2^2 + 
    Sqrt[N1] Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2] - 
    N2 Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + 
       N2^2]) + (2 E^(1/
        2 I (-Sqrt[N1] - N2 - 
         Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) t) N2)/(N1 - 
    2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2 + 
    Sqrt[N1] Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2] - 
    N2 Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]);

The following takes about 7 seconds

 t > 0 && N1 \[Element] PositiveIntegers && N2 \[Element] PositiveIntegers]

And returns a comparitivly compact: enter image description here

(*Abs[-2*(1 + E^(I*Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2]*t) - 2*E^((I/2)*(Sqrt[N1] - N2 + Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2])*t))*Sqrt[N1]*
     N2 - 4*E^((I/2)*(Sqrt[N1] - N2 + Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2])*t)*N1^(3/2)*N2 + 
    (1 + E^(I*Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2]*t) - 2*E^((I/2)*(Sqrt[N1] - N2 + Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2])*t))*N2^2 + 
    2*E^((I/2)*(Sqrt[N1] - N2 + Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2])*t)*N1^2*(1 + 4*N2) - 
    (-1 + E^(I*Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2]*t))*N2*Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2] + 
    (-1 + E^(I*Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2]*t))*Sqrt[N1*(N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2)] + 
    N1*(1 + 4*N2 + E^(I*Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2]*t)*(1 + 4*N2) + 
      2*E^((I/2)*(Sqrt[N1] - N2 + Sqrt[N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2])*t)*(-1 - 4*N2 + N2^2))]^2/(4*N1^2*(N1 - 2*Sqrt[N1]*N2 + 4*N1*N2 + N2^2)^2)*)

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