I'm struggling to simplify this expression.
t > 0 && Element[N1, PositiveIntegers] &&
Element[N2, PositiveIntegers],
Abs[-((E^(-I N2 t) (N2 - N1 N2))/(N1 N2)) - (
2 E^(1/2 I (-Sqrt[N1] - N2 + Sqrt[
N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) t) N2)/(-N1 +
2 Sqrt[N1] N2 - 4 N1 N2 - N2^2 +
Sqrt[N1] Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2] -
N2 Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) + (
2 E^(1/2 I (-Sqrt[N1] - N2 - Sqrt[
N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2]) t) N2)/(
N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2 +
Sqrt[N1] Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2] -
N2 Sqrt[N1 - 2 Sqrt[N1] N2 + 4 N1 N2 + N2^2])]^2]]
where N1 and N2 are natural numbers, and t is positive real. After I ComplexExpand, I obtain a very long expression:
where (if i show all) I see lots of Arg(...), so Arguments of real numbers (which is 0, but Mathematica seems to not know).
If the expression was shorter, I could get rid of all with FullSimplify, but if I do it, Mathematica keeps evaluating for ages without giving me a result.
QUESTION: How to tell Mathematica to set all this Arg(...) to 0, so I can FullSimplify faster?
NOTE: I'm 100% sure that all numbers in Arg() are REAL.