The task
Consider a decaying particle traveling along some axis $x$, with the differential probability to decay given by the Poisson distribution: $$ \frac{dP_{\text{decay}}}{dx} = \frac{\exp[-x/l_{\text{decay}}]}{l_{\text{decay}}} $$ I would like to generate its decay points inside the given interval $x_{\text{min}},x_{\text{max}}$.
The problem
My implementation of this task encounters numeric instabilities if $l_{\text{decay}}\ll x_{\text{min}}$.
My code
xmin = 14;
xmax = 34;
(*CDF, inverse CDF, and the values of CDF corresponding to xmin,xmax*)
CDFpoisson[xdecay_, ldecay_] =
Integrate[Exp[-x/ldecay]/ldecay, {x, 0, xdecay}]
invCDFpoisson[u_, ldecay_] =
x /. Solve[CDFpoisson[x, ldecay] == u, x][[1]] /. {C[1] -> 0};
uxmin[ldecay_] =
u /. Solve[invCDFpoisson[u, ldecay] == xmin, u, Reals][[1]];
uxmax[ldecay_] =
u /. Solve[invCDFpoisson[u, ldecay] == xmax, u, Reals][[1]];
(*Random values of u corresponding to the interval, and random decay points*)
DecayPointsData[ldecay_] := Block[{},
TestPoints = RandomReal[{uxmin[ldecay], uxmax[ldecay]}, 10^6];
Table[invCDFpoisson[TestPoints[[i]], ldecaytest], {i, 1,
Length[TestPoints], 1}]
The code works properly for large values of ldecay:
TabDecayPoints = DecayPointsData[ldecaytest];
integralVal = Integrate[Exp[-x/ldecaytest]/ldecaytest, {x, 14, 34}];
ldecaytest*integralVal), {x, xmin, xmax},
PlotRange -> {{xmin, xmax}, {3.5*10^-6, 3}}, Frame -> True,
ImageSize -> "Large"],
Histogram[TabDecayPoints, 100, "ProbabilityDensity",
ScalingFunctions -> {"Log", "Log"}]]
However, it breaks down at smaller values:
ldecaytest = 0.4;
TabDecayPoints = DecayPointsData[ldecaytest];
Infinite expression 1/0. encountered.
The reason is that uxmin, uxmax are approximated by 1 for large ratio xmin/ldecaytest, which results in infinite values of invCDFpoisson.
Could you please tell me how to avoid these infinities without a significant reduction in speed?
option? $\endgroup$