I look for the plotting of several curves with different vertical scales. The context is to draw in one plot the 4 curves (jerk, acceleration, velocity and displacement) of a finite jerk motion profile.
This topic has already discussed in the following post : Two vertical axes in the same plot Plot with multiple Y-axes
The second one seems to be good but it is difficult to understand and consequently to modify to adapt to my case.
Consequently, i made this small code :
ScaledPlot[fcts_, coef_, dom_, options___] :=
Plot[Evaluate[coef*fcts], dom,
Evaluate[PlotLegends ->
Row[{##}] &, {coef, {"\[Times]\[ThinSpace]j[t]",
"\[Times]\[ThinSpace]a[t]", "\[Times]\[ThinSpace]v[t]",
"\[Times]\[ThinSpace]q[t]"}}]], options]
ScaledPlot[{j[t], a[t], v[t], q[t]}, {1/40000, 1/200, 1/10, 1}, {t, 0,
1}, Filling -> Axis]
It is almost good but i have some discontinuities for the acceleration :
and i think these discontinuities come from display issues. Indeed, i have no issue when i plot the acceleration curve alone (see below):
1) Have you some ideas to correct the discontinuities that i obtain in the display when i try to plot the 4 curves in the same plot with my method ?
2) Is there somebody interested to make the code present in this post (Plot with multiple Y-axes) more accessible so that it can be used easily ? i would like to use this code but i'm not able to do it for the moment
The code which enables me to obtain these motion profile curves was given in this post :
j[t], a[t], v[t], q[t]
might increase the chance to get helpful answers! $\endgroup$