
I am trying to make a fairly complicated plot that involves LineLegend.

As part of the LineLegend's label, I am using Row[{("test=0.01")/("testing=0.01")}].

Is there a straightforward way to align the equal signs?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Column[{"test=0.01", "testing=0.01"}, Alignment -> Right, Dividers -> {False, {False, True, False}}] $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Oct 28, 2022 at 21:00

1 Answer 1


Alignment can sometimes take a character to be aligned on. So, in this case (I've changed the text slightly so you can see the effect):

Column[{("test=0.01"), ("testing=0.001")}, Alignment -> "="]

I've also changed it to column, since you want vertical alignment. To get it to look like a fraction:

Column[{("test=0.01"), ("testing=0.001")}, Alignment -> "=", Dividers -> {False, {False, True, False}}]

And actually, Column takes alignment as an optional second argument, so this works:

Column[{"test=0.01", "testing=0.001"}, "=", Dividers -> {False, {False, True, False}}]
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks so much! $\endgroup$
    – MathIsHard
    Oct 29, 2022 at 6:19

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