I am new to Mathematica, and i am trying to Graph some blockchain transaction data. I would like the Addresses "From" & "To" to be the Nodes/Vertices, and the edges to be a transaction between them "From"->"To", i would also like to have the "Quantity" and "Method" to be the label for the edge. Ideally the graph would be a DirectedGraph. I have imported the CSV data as data1 and it is shown in a Table with the Column names "From", "To", "Quantity",and "Amount". I have tried using Graph[data1], however i get an error saying function expected a graph object at position 1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Apologies for such a noob question, i have searched far and wide to try find an answer but no luck just yet.
data1 = ResourceFunction["ImportCSVToDataset"]["trimftmdata.csv"];
A graph object is expected at position 1 in Graph Plot
Table[DirectedEdge[data[[$LineNumber, 1]], data[[$LineNumber, 2]], {data[[$LineNumber, 3]], data[[$LineNumber, 4]]}], {$LineNumber, $NumberofDataLines}]