Using Version (Edit: MacOS BigSur Version 11.6, Hardware M1 chip)
In order to show some Log (or LogLog) plot features that I find annoying, here is some code:
Evaluate[ B/(G Gamma[G+1] Zeta[1+G](2-2^-G)) {Log[1+A/(-1+E^(B t))]^G,A^G E^(-B G t)}],{t,0,3000},PlotRange->{{0.01,Full},{0,Full}},WorkingPrecision->20,ImageSize->Medium]]}
Please notice that the code this generates shows 0.000 rather than 0.001 on the y-axis and show numerical values at 5.x 10$^n$ rather than 3 x 10$^n$, where both the decimal points are unneeded and the divisions at 5 times ten to a power results in collisions a lot sooner than at 3 times ten to a power because N[Log10[3]]
is 0.477121 or very close to 0.5 on a Log10
plot, whereas N[Log10[5]]
is 0.69897, and not close to 0.5.
Are there any fixes for these annoying features that do not involve yards of Tick coding?
Notice the positions of the numbers
NumberLinePlot[{Log10[1], Log10[3], Log10[5], Log10[10]}]
Re: Yards of tick code. For example,
FrameTicks -> {{{3, 3, {0, .01}}, {4, "", {0, .01}}, {5,
"", {0, .01}}, {6, "", {0, .01}}, {7, "", {0, .01}}, {8,
"", {0, .01}}, {9, "", {0, .01}}, {10, 10, {0, .015}}, {20,
"", {0, .01}}, {30, 30, {0, .01}}, {40, "", {0, .01}}, {50,
"", {0, .01}}, {60, "", {0, .01}}, {70, "", {0, .01}}, {80,
"", {0, .01}}, {90, "", {0, .01}}, {100, 100, {0, .015}}, {200,
"", {0, .01}}, {300, 300, {0, .01}}, {400, "", {0, .01}}, {500,
"", {0, .01}}, {600, "", {0, .01}}, {700, "", {0, .01}}, {800,
"", {0, .01}}, {900, "", {0, .01}}, {1000,
1000, {0, .015}}, {2000, "", {0, .01}}, {3000,
3000, {0, .01}}, {4000, "", {0, .01}}, {5000, "", {0, .01}}},
To format an x-axis like the following:
PS, I put this in as bugs
even though this has not been vetted because I do not need to have someone verify that $0.000\neq0.001$, i.e., seeing is believing.
Edit On 2023-08-02 I received notification from Wolfram that Mathematica has fixed the M1 chip code bug. Indeed, the same code as above now displays 0.001 rather than 0.000 on the $y$-axis.
where your picture shows0.000
. $\endgroup$0.001
rather than0.000
. What operating system are you using? $\endgroup$0.001
for the same code that on my iMac computer as produces0.000
. So no, I can't explain why that is. $\endgroup$