I decided to move my comment from @user293787 to an answer as it made the comments a bit cluttered and made it unlikely that someone else encountering this issue would read it. I emphasize however that the answer that follows relies on user293787's explanation that there was conflict between the two k variables.
A simpler case where that happens :
G[3] == G[j]/.j->3
output: (* False *)
TL;DR quick solution : You can use F[j_]=
instead of F[j_]:=
to avoid that problem.
[Edit: added the solution below that localizes the iterator in a convenient way.
More general solution : we can automatically localize all the iterators by defining a new sum and restricting the name choice for the iterators to belong to a set of one or more names.
Defining a sum that localizes the iterator k :
unique = Inactive@*Unique;
local = k -> unique[k];
sum = ReplaceAll[#, Activate@local] &@*Inactive[Sum]
One could probably include more iterators in "local" using local={k1->unique[k1],k2-> unique[k2],...}. Then instead of using Sum the user may define F and G using the new sum function :
G[j_]= sum[F[k],{k,0,j}];
We can check that the iterators are correct by evaluating G on a symbolic argument:
Finally we may check that the problem has been solved using sum:
G[t] == G[3] // Activate // ReplaceAll[t -> 3]
End of Edit]
TL;DR Origin of the problem: symbolic handling of F[k] in G[j] where k appears in the argument of F and also in the iterator of the sum in the definition of F.
The solution above that consists of replacing :=
with =
evades the double presence of k by simply evaluating the sum so that k no longer appears (see discussion below if difference between := and = is not clear (nothing fancy)).
The symbolic handling occurs when the upper bound for the iterator in G (the last element of the second argument in Sum
) is symbolic but not when it is an integer. This leads to a difference between G[3]
and G[j]/.j->3
. The solution
The problem is tricky and interesting and it could be quite difficult to debug in a long code.
Pictorial summary and reference for the discussion below using traceView2 from this answer (the images and discussion below will focus on the definitions of F and G of the simpler example above and should not be confused with the original F and G from the original question. Also, the discussion below does not require the reader to understand the images below):
Consider first G[3]
From traceview2[G[3]]
(output shown in first picture), one sees that the evaluation process is as expected:
Consider now G[j] with a symbolic j. Mathematica does not know the upper bound in this case so it can not do:
Instead, as can be checked using traceView2[G[j]] (second image), Mathematica attempts to do pure symbolic manipulations replacing F[k] by the symbolic expression it gets from the definition of F, that is, the output of F[k], but...
evaluates to
which according to Mathematica is k(1+k)/2 but according to Mathematics, it is an invalid request.
The issue there is that maybe Mathematica applies the formula Sum[k,{k,0,n}]
then takes n=k at the end where k is a global variable.
Computing F[j], we obtain the expected result j(j+1) and then replacing j by k with /.j->k
, we find a result that is different than the result obtained from F[k]
Ok, but why did that not happen with G[3]
output: {HoldAll, Protected, ReadProtected}
For the following mini-discussion that answers the above question,the important component in the above output is HoldAll.
Sum holds F[k] meaning F[k] is not replaced by its definition right away. Instead at the beginning, basically, Mathematica sees the string of characters "F" "[" "k" "]" without checking what is under the hood (at least conceptually not sure what Mathematica is actually doing).
Then using the iterator k in the second argument of Sum, Sum successively makes replacements for k, k->0; F[0]
, k->1; F[1]
, k->2; F[2]
, k->3; F[3]
and each F[0]
will be replaced by its definition (I do not know if replacement rules are actually being used).
When the upper bound is symbolic that sequence can not happen and so F[k] is evaluated with a symbolic k
If instead F[j_]=Sum[k,{k,0,j}]
(no :=) then there are no surprises because the sum is evaluated before assigning the expression to the function F. Hence, Mathematica sees F[j_]=j(j+1)
So a possible solution for the initial question of OP would be (replaced F[j_]:= with F[j_]=) :
F[j_]=(r^2+z^2-1) Sum[(-1)^k Binomial[2 j+2,2 k+1] z^(2 (j-k)+1) r^(2 k),{k,0,j}];
G[j_]:=Sum[(-1)^(k+1) F[k],{k,0,j}]/(4 (j+1) (j+2) (2 j+3));
Appendix: Difference between F[j_]=
and F[j_]:=
and when to use one or the other (nothing fancy in the discussion below).
If I remember well, for a somewhat long time working with Mathematica I thought I always had to define a function with the construct F[j_]:=expression
However, often it is better to use F[j_]=
either to avoid surprises like in the above example or to increase the speed of execution as F[j_]:=
means nothing is being evaluated until it is called with an argument. For example, compare (* The second one takes 2 seconds before it outputs something*):
Clear[f];AbsoluteTiming[f[j_]:=(Pause[2];Print["that took a long time"])]
Clear[f];AbsoluteTiming[f[j_]=(Pause[2];Print["that took a long time"])]
I use f[j_]:=
when a symbolic expression can not be obtained or I need a black box numerical function for certain numerical computations in which case I would use f[j_?NumericQ]:=