Graphical explanation of what I understood OP's wants:
list1= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, \
17, 18, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21}
The list above was generated using OP's code.
Plotting the list:
ListPlot[{list1, {{5, 0}, {24, Nmax}}},
PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 0.04}, ImageSize -> Small]
With a list that has more points:
max = 1000;
size = 100;
test = Clip[
Sort@RandomInteger[{-Floor[2*max], Floor[2*max]}, size], {0,
As I understand, the abscissas of the two squares are the values requested by OP. That is, the position of the last 0 of the initial plateau and the position of the first point in the last plateau (the first Nmax using OP's notation).
If speed is not much of a concern:
The solution proposed by @Syed is in my opinion rather convenient. Here is another possibility:
last0=LengthWhile[list, # == 0 &]
firstNmax= First@FirstPosition[list, Nmax]
If you want the quickest method in the generic case :
See @293787's answer.
If the length of one plateau is relatively small (smaller than Log2[Length[list]])
and so your case is not generic, then the following can be of use.
TL;DR: If the length of the first plateau is small use LengthWhile
. If the length of the last plateau is small, then reverse the order of the elements in the list and use LengthWhile
As you would like something that is fast, the Position function might not be the best option as it will search the entire list. That is unneeded in your case as your lists are sorted. For example, it is clear that, starting from the first element of the list list[[1]]
, it is no longer necessary to scan the list after the first encountered non zero element.
Test list :
max = 1000;
size = 100;
ratio = 1;
test = Clip[
Sort@RandomInteger[{-Floor[2*max], Floor[2*max*ratio]}, size], {0,
Changing "ratio" you may change the ratio between the lengths of the first and last plateaus.
To check the validity of the codes below you may add indices to the test list and maybe decrease the size :
The fastest method will depend on the lengths of the plateaus. If we subdivide the previous plot in 3 parts:
Big Plateau 1 (BP1), Rocky Hill (RH), Big Plateau 2 (BP2)
Then, for example, it could be advantageous to scan the list backwards if Length[BP2]
is a lot smaller than Length[BP1]
or Length[RH]
. Specifically, you have 3 scenarios:
If : you already know beforehand that Length[BP1]/Length[list]
is very small (smaller than Log2[Length[list]]
Then : you can obtain the last 0 efficiently with
last0=LengthWhile[list, # == 0 &]
(* Remark : using FirstPosition[list, _?(#!=0 &)]
or Position[list1, 0][[-1, 1]]
takes a lot more time in this case)
If : you already know beforehand that Length[BP2]/Length[list]
is very small (smaller than Log2[Length[list]]
Then: you can obtain the first Nmax efficiently with
firstNmax = listLength - LengthWhile[list1[[-1 ;; 1 ;; -1]], # == Nmax &]+1
Else: In the the generic case, a C-Compiled version of the method provided by @user293787 will likely be optimal.
BenchMarking the methods proposed so far:
The following benchmarks are for the generic case where the length of both plateaus are large. If one of the plateaus is relatively tiny use LengthWhile (see discussion of the previous section).
For a more complete comparison I will include a C compiled function (you may remove CompilationTarget -> "C" if you do not have a Compiler with Mathematica). The function below does a forward scan and works with an integer list. As discussed above, if the last plateau is shorter than the first plateau it can be advantageous to do a backward scan instead :
edgeplateau = Compile[{{list, _Integer, 1}, {Nmax, _Integer}},
Module[{index1 = 0, index2 = 0, a = 0},
While[a == 0, index1 += 1; a = list[[index1]]];
index2 = index1;
While[a < Nmax, index2 += 1; a = list[[index2]]]; {index1-1,
index2}], CompilationTarget -> "C"]
output of edgeplateau: {last 0, first Nmax}
Test List:
Nmax = 200000;
list1 = Join[Table[0, 3000000],
FoldList[Min[Nmax, Plus[#1, #2]] &, 0,
RandomChoice[{0, 1, 2}, Nmax + 3000000]]];
Properties of test list: the length of the first plateau is roughly the same as the last plateau and rocky hill climb between the two is relatively quite thin (like a cliff).
Methods for finding the last 0:
AbsoluteTiming[last0=First@FirstPosition[list1, _?(#!=0 &)]-1;]
{0.799981, Null}
*Below: Method by @UlrichNeumann*
AbsoluteTiming[last0 = Position[list1, 0][[-1, 1]];]
{0.631989, Null}
AbsoluteTiming[LengthWhile[list1, # == 0 &];]
{0.588371, Null}
*Below: maxindex0 is defined in @user293787's answer, see also links *
{0.000104, Null}
*C compiled maxindex0 with where the list elements are expected to be integers*
{0.000043, Null}
Methods for finding the first Nmax:
Position[list1, Nmax][[1, 1]]; // AbsoluteTiming
{0.636139, Null}
FirstPosition[list1, Nmax]; // AbsoluteTiming
{0.164197, Null}
last0 + FirstPosition[list1[[last0 ;;]], Nmax] - 1; // AbsoluteTiming
{0.106541, Null}
LengthWhile[list1, # != Nmax &] + 1; // AbsoluteTiming
{0.782357, Null}
last0 + LengthWhile[list1[[last0 ;;]], # != Nmax &]; // AbsoluteTiming
{0.055123, Null}
An equivalent of maxindex0 to find the first Nmax will have similar speed when compared to the timing of maxindex0
Methods for finding both the last 0 and the first Nmax:
* @Syed's answer *
{Last@First@#, First@Last@#} &@PositionIndex[list1] // AbsoluteTiming
{0.148351, Null}
*compiled edgeplateau*
AbsoluteTiming[edgeplateau[list1, Nmax];]
{0.026304, Null}
*uncompiled edge plateau*
{1.77486, Null}
Pick[list1, Unitize[list1*(Nmax - list1)], 1]
which is about 20 times faster thanlist1[[Position[list1, 0][[-1, 1]] + 1 ;; Position[list1, Nmax][[1, 1]] - 1]]
for the list1 used in the benchmarks. As I understand, the speed of the former is due to vectorization as Unitize is applied to the entire list at once which allows the computer to use multi-threading. $\endgroup$