I am numerically solving the following ODE below. If I set AccuracyGoal and PrecisionGoal both to 10 I get a solution that makes sense: constant and then damped oscillation. However, all things equal, if I increase the Accuracy and Precision goals at some point the solution stops making sense. Why?
ti = 2 10^12;
tf = 2 10^14;
s10 = NDSolve[{a''[t] + 3/(2 t) a'[t] + m^2 (8 10^-21 t)^4 a[t] == 0, a[ti] == 1, a'[ti] == 0}, a[t], {t, ti, tf}, AccuracyGoal -> 10, PrecisionGoal -> 10];
s15 = NDSolve[{a''[t] + 3/(2 t) a'[t] + m^2 (8 10^-21 t)^4 a[t] == 0, a[ti] == 1, a'[ti] == 0}, a[t], {t, ti, tf}, AccuracyGoal -> 15, PrecisionGoal -> 15];
LogLinearPlot[{a[t] /. s10, a[t] /. s15}, {t, ti , tf}, PlotRange -> All]
defined? $\endgroup$