The inverse error function, which is given by InverseErf[x]
, is quite important in statistics as it gives the confidence levels around a 1D Gaussian, for example for the $1$ and $2\sigma$ ($\sim 68.3\%$ and $\sim95.5\%$ respectively):
Sqrt[2] InverseErf[0.6827]
Sqrt[2] InverseErf[0.9545]
So, while playing with it and wanting to find some asymptotics close to probability 1 (i.e. many $\sigma$'s), I did a series expansion around $x=1$ (note in hindsight I'm doing the expansion of InverseErf[x]^2
to avoid a square-root when comparing with the result of a paper, see below) and no matter what order I asked for
Series[InverseErf[x]^2, {x, 1, -30}, Assumptions -> x < 1]
Series[InverseErf[x]^2, {x, 1, 30}, Assumptions -> x < 1]
Mathematica always gives back the result:
$$ \frac{1}{2} \left(-2 \log (1-x)-\log (-2 \log (1-x)+\log (2)-\log (\pi ))+\log \left(\frac{2}{\pi }\right)\right)+O\left((x-1)^2\right).~~~~~~~~~~~~(1)$$
However, the inverse error function has a well defined (albeit asymptotic) expansion around $x=1$, see for example the seminal paper by Blair et al on approximations of the error function, where in Eq.(2) they give the expression: $$ (\textrm{InverseErf}[x])^2 \sim \eta-\frac12 \ln \eta +\eta^{-1} \left(\frac14 \ln \eta-\frac12\right)+\eta^{-2} \left(\frac1{16} \ln^2 \eta-\frac38 \ln \eta +\frac78\right)+...,~~~~~~~~~~~~(2)$$ where $\eta=-\ln [\pi^{1/2}*(1-x)]$ and in this notation $\ln(x)=\log(x)=\log_e(x)$ (ie the log base e). Also, $\ln^2 \eta=[\ln(\eta)]^2$ (thanks to @user293787).
Using the same variable $\eta$, Mathematica's series expansion, given originally by Eq. (1), can be written as
$$ (\textrm{InverseErf}[x])^2 \sim \eta -\frac{1}{2} \ln \left(\eta +\frac{\ln (2)}{2}\right).~~~~~~~~~~~~(3)$$
So, my question is: why does Mathematica only stop at such low order in the expansion in terms of $x$ and how to coax it to give more terms?
Note 1: In fact the expression from the paper is much more accurate and by keeping up to the $\eta^{-1}$ term (inclusive) one can get an accuracy of $0.00013\%$ at $x \rightarrow 1 - 10^{-30}$ ($\eta\sim68.5051878$) with respect to the exact result, compared to the Series[]
expansion which is "only" accurate to $\sim 0.016 \%$.
Note 2: I can in fact just code the expression from the paper and use that if I want or even use the exact arbitrary precision result from InverseErf[x]
, but the question is how to get Series
to give more terms, mainly out of curiosity.
Note 3: The result from the paper also gives a complex $i \pi$ term, but I only consider the real part in the comparison.
Note 4: This question, only discusses the limit around $x=0$, which is already well-known via a MacLaurin series.
Note 5: Tested mainly on v11.2 on Windows but the same issue seems to persist in v13 as well.
code is not directly using that tabulated data. It is failing to expand for other reasons. This might be a bug in some way. $\endgroup$