I am looking for an implementation of MATLAB's numgrid
function, in particular the "B" mode.
For example, I want to get the matrix corresponding to the following matrix in MATLAB:
numgrid('B', 80)
I am looking for an implementation of MATLAB's numgrid
function, in particular the "B" mode.
For example, I want to get the matrix corresponding to the following matrix in MATLAB:
numgrid('B', 80)
The source code of some of the MATLAB functions is available to its users. In this example, if you type edit numgrid
, its file will be open, and to my surprise, it wasn't very complicated, so I decided to rewrite it with Mathematica's built-in functions (I'm sure there is room for improvement).
Thanks to @chyanog's suggestion to remove Thread
in building SparseArray
, it performs almost 3 times faster.
NumGridB[n_Integer] :=
Block[{x = ConstantArray[Subdivide[-1., 1, n - 1], n], y, t, r, temp,
Indeterminate = 0.},
y = Transpose[x[[All, -1 ;; 1 ;; -1]]];
t = Quiet@ArcTan[x, y];
r = Sqrt[x^2 + y^2];
temp = SparseArray[
1 - Unitize[
r - (Sin[2 t] + 0.2*Sin[8 t])] + (1 -
UnitStep[Abs[x] - 1]) + (1 - UnitStep[Abs[y] - 1]) - 3]];
SortBy[temp["ExplicitPositions"], Last] ->
Range[temp["ExplicitLength"]], {n, n}, 0]
, so you can follow its logic.Block
scope, I used Indeterminate=0.
with Quiet
because in Mathematica ArcTan[0, 0]
returns Indeterminate
with a Message
, but in MATLAB, atan2
simply return 0
- @chyanog suggests using Arg[x+I*y]
, but since it's a little slower, I decided not to use it.Mathematica:
ArrayPlot[NumGridB[7], Frame -> False]
Higher number (n=500
n | MATLAB (second - tic;toc; ) |
Mathematica (second - RepeatedTiming ) |
500 | 0.006 | |
5000 | 0.55 |
Without touching *Compile
, for not large n
, its timing is reasonable. If you did improve the speed, feel free to post it here.
Other answers show clearly compiling will further boost the performance. I decide to use the wolfram-library-link-rs
crate to use Rust for building a LibraryLink library.
You can get the code and compiled library from this GitHub page.
At first glance, it wasn't much faster than others (clearly slower than @chyanog solution!), but if you open Task Manager while running MATLAB numgrid
, you'll notice is not a single-threaded command, So this became an opportunity to leverage Rust's power in multithreading to set a new record.
After downloading the .dll file from the Release Section of the GitHub page, execute the following command and you're good to go:
(* Single-threaded *)
NumGridBCompiled =
"C:\\numgrid.dll", "numgrid_b", {Integer},
LibraryDataType["NumericArray", "UnsignedInteger32", 2]]
(* Multi-threaded *)
NumGridBParallelCompiled =
"numgrid_b_parallel", {Integer},
LibraryDataType["NumericArray", "UnsignedInteger32", 2]]
Table (all the timings are in seconds):
n | MATLAB | NumGridBParallelCompiled | NumGridBCompiled | chyanog | xzczd | Ben Izd |
1,000 | 0.023 | 0.0039 | 0.033 | 0.016 | 0.061 | 0.16 |
5,000 | 0.61 | 0.25 | 0.84 | 0.63 | 1.49 | 4.72 |
10,000 | 2.4 | 1.47 | 3.39 | 2.06 | 5.98 | 46.1 |
Although I'm not fully aware of Mathematica accuracy on LibraryLink calls, here is the plot:
Table (all the sizes are in bytes):
n | MATLAB | NumGridBParallelCompiled | NumGridBCompiled | chyanog | xzczd | Ben Izd |
1,000 | 7,864,000 | 4,000,256 | 4,000,256 | 24,020,064 | 16,000,432 | 95,388,352 |
5,000 | 195,764,000 | 100,000,256 | 100,000,256 | 600,085,664 | 400,000,432 | 2,390,195,048 |
10,000 | 782,712,000 | 400,000,256 | 400,000,256 | 2,400,163,872 | 1,600,000,432 | 9,563,573,936 |
and I try a slightly different size and the timings were around the same number.profile('-memory','on')
, and its Peak Memory
(values were in Kb
, so it was converted accordingly)Thread
is unnecessary here and inefficient, you can also use Arg[x+I*y]
instead of Arctan
, it will not have a warnings.
After searching for a while I found the source code of numgrid
here. So, here's my trial with FunctionCompile
bfnumgrid =
Function[Typed[n, "Real64"],
With[{atan2 = {y, x} |-> If[x == 0 && y == 0, 0., ArcTan[x, y]],
sqrt = Sqrt, sin = Sin},
Module[{t, r, i = 1},
Table[t = atan2[y, x];
r = sqrt@(x^2 + y^2);
If[r >= (sin@(2*t) + .2*sin@(8*t)) && -1 < x < 1 && -1 < y < 1,
i++, 0],
{x, -1, 1, 2/(n - 1)},
{y, 1, -1, -2/(n - 1)}]\[Transpose]]]]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {9.24076, Null} *)
bfshape[5000]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {1.57289, Null} *)
Be careful with the subtle differences between MATLAB and Mathematica e.g. atan2
v.s. ArcTan
, row-major v.s. column-major, etc. I don't choose the Arg
trick shown by chyanog because it turns out to be a little slower compared with the If[…]
work-around in my current implementation.
For comparison, Ben lzd's solution takes about 6.55 s on my laptop for n == 5000
ArrayPlot[bfnumgrid[500], ColorFunction -> "AvocadoColors"]
Clear[cf, numGridB];
cf = Compile[{{n, _Integer}, x, {range, _Real, 1}},
Table[With[{r = Sqrt[x^2 + y^2], t = Arg[x + I y]},
Boole[r >= Sin[2 t] + 0.2*Sin[8 t] && Abs@x < 1 && Abs@y < 1]], {y, range}
], RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}, RuntimeOptions -> "Speed",
CompilationTarget -> "C"
numGridB[n_] :=
With[{range = Range[-1., 1, 2/(n - 1)]},
Transpose@ArrayReshape[# Accumulate@#, {n, n}] &@Flatten@cf[n, -range, range]
numGridB[10] // MatrixForm
numGridB[5000]; // RepeatedTiming
13.1.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (June 16, 2022)
For GCC (mingw-w64) compiler, there is no significant difference between -O2, -O3, -Ofast
{0.840892, Null}
For VC compiler, /O2
{0.596376, Null}
For Clang compiler, same flag as GCC
{0.561526, Null}
Another implementation:
numGridB2 = Compile[{{n, _Integer}},
Module[{x, y, t, r, bin, tol = 2.*^-16},
y = ConstantArray[Range[-1., 1, 2/(n - 1)], n];
x = -Transpose[y];
t = ArcTan[x + tol, y];
r = Sqrt[x^2 + y^2];
bin = Flatten@BitAnd[UnitStep[r - (Sin[2 t] + 0.2*Sin[8 t])],
UnitStep[1 - tol - Abs@x], UnitStep[1 - tol - Abs@y]];
Transpose@Partition[bin Accumulate@bin, n]
numGridB2[10] // Grid
numGridB2[5000]; // RepeatedTiming
{0.980508, Null}
This is a little slower than Ben's version, but I thought I'd share this anyway since the "ExplicitLength"
and "ExplicitPositions"
properties are not known to earlier versions, and I wanted to show off the use of CoordinateBoundsArray[]
numGridB[n_Integer?Positive] := Module[{pos, t, temp, x, y},
{x, y} = Transpose[CoordinateBoundsArray[{{-1., 1.}, {-1., 1.}},
{Into[n - 1], Into[n - 1]}],
{3, 2, 1}];
y = Reverse[y]; t = ArcTan[x + $MachineEpsilon, y];
temp = SparseArray[1 - Unitize[UnitStep[Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] -
(Sin[2 t] + 0.2*Sin[8 t])] -
UnitStep[Abs[x] - 1] - UnitStep[Abs[y] - 1] - 1]];
pos = temp["NonzeroPositions"];
SparseArray[SortBy[pos, Last] -> Range[Length[pos]], {n, n}, 0]]
For visualization purposes, let me include this as well:
(* https://tpfto.wordpress.com/2019/04/17/faking-a-birds-colors-and-miscellanea/ *)
birdie[x_?NumericQ] /; 0 <= x <= 1 :=
Blend[{RGBColor[0.242, 0.15, 0.66], RGBColor[0.27, 0.2135, 0.83],
RGBColor[0.281, 0.298, 0.939], RGBColor[0.271, 0.385, 0.99],
RGBColor[0.202, 0.479, 0.99], RGBColor[0.172, 0.564, 0.94],
RGBColor[0.13, 0.639, 0.892], RGBColor[0.048, 0.7025, 0.827],
RGBColor[0.07, 0.746, 0.726], RGBColor[0.203, 0.78, 0.61],
RGBColor[0.36, 0.8, 0.463], RGBColor[0.58, 0.79, 0.29],
RGBColor[0.786, 0.757, 0.16], RGBColor[0.946, 0.7285, 0.217],
RGBColor[0.995, 0.79, 0.2], RGBColor[0.961, 0.891, 0.153],
RGBColor[0.977, 0.984, 0.08]}, x]
and then, we have
ArrayPlot[numGridB[7], ColorFunction -> birdie, Frame -> False]
ArrayPlot[numGridB[500], ColorFunction -> birdie, Frame -> False]
Edit 7/10/2022
The stuff above was written a little before I went to bed. Now with the benefit of getting sleep and seeing Ben's comment and chyanog's new answer, I came up with the following:
numGridB[n_Integer?Positive] := Module[{pos, sgn2, temp, zz},
zz = {1, I} . Transpose[CoordinateBoundsArray[{{-1., 1.}, {1., -1.}},
{Into[n - 1], Into[n - 1]}], {3, 2, 1}];
sgn2 = Sign[zz]^2;
temp = SparseArray[BitOr[1 - UnitStep[Abs[zz] - Im[sgn2 (1 + 0.2 sgn2^3)]],
UnitStep[Abs[Re[zz]] - 1], UnitStep[Abs[Im[zz]] - 1]],
Automatic, 1];
pos = temp["NonzeroPositions"];
SparseArray[SortBy[pos, Last] -> Range[Length[pos]], {n, n}, 0]]
How this version works is an exercise I will leave for the interested.
{1., -1.}
be better than Reverse[y]
(and it's a bit surprising to me there doesn't seem to be a stand-alone document page fornumgrid
! ), according to this page,'B'
stands for exterior of a "Butterfly", then how is the butterfly defined? 2. Somewhat related: mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/43039/1871 3. Are you aware that it's not good idea to useFor
in Mathematica?: mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/134609/1871 $\endgroup$