I have multiple functions from two different NDSolve
s that I would piece together. Here is a working minimal example:
sol = First@NDSolve[
{x'[t] == 0.5 x[t] - 0.5 y[t] + 0.5 z[t], x[0] == 0, y'[t] == 0.5 x[t] - 0.5 y[t] - 0.5 z[t], y[0] == 1, z'[t] == -0.5 x[t] - 0.5 y[t] + 0.5 z[t], z[0] == 2},
{x, y, z},{t, 0, 5}]
initx = x[5] /. sol;
inity = y[5] /. sol;
initz = z[5] /. sol;
solcont = First@NDSolve[
{x'[t] == x[t] - y[t] + z[t], x[5] == initx, y'[t] == x[t] - y[t] - z[t], y[5] == inity, z'[t] == -x[t] - y[t] + z[t], z[5] == initz},
{x, y, z},{t, 5, 10}]
As expected, sol
and solcont
return lists of interpolating function rules which can then be combined using Piecewise
xsol[t_] := Piecewise[{{x[t] /. sol, t <= 5}}, x[t] /. solcont]
ysol[t_] := Piecewise[{{y[t] /. sol, t <= 5}}, y[t] /. solcont];
zsol[t_] := Piecewise[{{z[t] /. sol, t <= 5}}, z[t] /. solcont];
Plot[xsol[t], {t, 0, 10}, PlotRange -> All]
{xsol[t_], ysol[t_], zsol[t_]} :=
{Piecewise[{{x[t] /. sol, t <= 5}}, x[t] /. solcont],
Piecewise[{{y[t] /. sol, t <= 5}}, y[t] /. solcont],
Piecewise[{{z[t] /. sol, t <= 5}}, z[t] /. solcont]};
My question is, is there a way I could apply Piecewise
all at once, since the solutions "switch" at the same time? I am working with quite a few DEs and I'm looking to streamline.
After much searching, it seems I'm trying to generalize this post: Create List of Functions using Piecewise but with an extra function.