This is my first time asking a question on here, and I look forward to and appreciate your help.
I believe I have a simple question. I am reading the documentation for the "shooting method" and trying to understand how to shoot "backward". The documentation is here:
The documentation explains that it can be advantageous to shoot backward (or from somewhere in the middle of the interval). But their example does not make much sense to me. First, they solve the system, but seemingly without calling on the shooting method. Then they solve it using the shooting method, but I don't see how they are shooting backward.
For context, I am trying to solve a differential equation which is singular at x=1 numerically, but most of the solutions lie in a thin strip near x=1. What I want is to start from some value like .9 and check for solutions between (.9,1), but the shooting method actually starts from .9 and then checks everything between (0,.9).
It seems there should be an option to tell the shooting method to "go the other way", but I can't find it in the documentation.
help? $\endgroup$