This is a bug, but just wanted to post an answer to share what I found. Maybe it'll help someone at Wolfram figure out what's up.
Here's a plot of the region with the $z = 0$ plane shown.
Weird behavior when considering z + d
First, here's evidence that something is definitely up. I evaluated
Table[{d, Integrate[z + d, {x, y, z} \[Element] myReg2]}, {d, -1, 1, 1/3}]
and got
{{-1, -20 \[Pi]}, {-(2/3), -8 \[Pi]}, {-(1/3), 4 \[Pi]},
{0, 8 \[Pi]}, {1/3, 28 \[Pi]}, {2/3, 40 \[Pi]}, {1, 52 \[Pi]}}
Plotted, this is
This should be linear in d
. Further, we find for the surface area
Integrate[1, {x, y, z} \[Element] myReg2]
(* Out: 36 \[Pi] *)
suggesting (by linearity) that Mathematica "usually" thinks that the integral of z
over the surface is (52 - 36) \[Pi] == 16 \[Pi]
...except when computing it by itself, when it thinks it's 8 \[Pi]
Partitioning into component surfaces
Across the $z = 0$ plane
I also was curious what would happen when I split it up into a positive-z and negative-z surface. I got the following results:
myReg2pos =
ImplicitRegion[y^2 + z^2 == 4 && z > 0, {{x, y - 3, 6 - z}, y, z}];
myReg2neg =
ImplicitRegion[y^2 + z^2 == 4 && z < 0, {{x, y - 3, 6 - z}, y, z}];
posint = Integrate[z, {x, y, z} \[Element] myReg2pos]
(* 4 (18 + \[Pi]) *)
negint = Integrate[z, {x, y, z} \[Element] myReg2neg]
(* 4 (-18 + \[Pi]) *)
possurf = Integrate[1, {x, y, z} \[Element] myReg2pos]
(* 2 (-4 + 9 \[Pi]) *)
negsurf = Integrate[1, {x, y, z} \[Element] myReg2neg]
(* 8 + 18 \[Pi] *)
{possurf, negsurf} // N
(* {48.54866776, 64.54866776} *)
{posint, negint} // N
(* {84.56637061, -59.43362939} *)
Note that linearity works here, at least (whew!), and that Mathematica knows that the surface area of the lower half is higher than the surface area of the upper half. Yet, the integral of $z$ over the upper half is higher in absolute value than the integral of $z$ over the lower half. While possible in principle, given that we know how this region looks, we know something's wrong.
Along $x$
I also split the surface into three parts like this:
myReg2left = ImplicitRegion[y^2 + z^2 == 4, {{x, y - 3, -1}, y, z}];
myReg2mid = ImplicitRegion[y^2 + z^2 == 4, {{x, -1, 4}, y, z}];
myReg2right = ImplicitRegion[y^2 + z^2 == 4, {{x, 4, 6 - z}, y, z}];
{surfleft, surfmid, surfright} =
Integrate[1, {x, y, z} \[Element] #] & /@ {myReg2left, myReg2mid,
(* {8 \[Pi], 20 \[Pi], 8 \[Pi]} *)
{intleft, intmid, intright} =
Integrate[z, {x, y, z} \[Element] #] & /@ {myReg2left, myReg2mid,
(* {0, 0, 8 \[Pi]} *)
The problem therefore arises, perhaps unsurprisingly, when the $x \leq 6 - z$ constraint is encountered.
in the definition of the region flips the sign. This is a bug imo! I bet a sign got flipped in one of the transformation functions it uses to solve this internally. $\endgroup$