What is the efficient way to solve the matrix having a dependency on some varaible f
. I have a simple matrix g
which is dependent on f
. Need to find for what value of f
, the determinat of the matrix goes to zero. In reality I am dealing with a problem of size 1000 cross 1000 which is having a dependency on f
. I dont want to extract the symbolc determinant, and use NSolve to find the roots which satisfy the Det equatio. This method fails for matrix of large dimensions. I am looking for the methods which is effective to solve this matrix irrespective of matrix dimensions. I have tried a method below, which is not elegant. But this method did not slove my problem.
frange = N[Subdivide[0, 1000, 10000]];
g = {{2*f^2 + 3.6*f^2, 192}, {876, 21.8*f^2 + 33.3*f^2}};
c = Table[
First@#/Last@# &@SingularValueList[g /. f -> frange[[i]]], {i, 1,
ListLogLinearPlot[{frange, c}, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All]