I am using GraphicsGrid to produce the following figure:
Plot1 = Plot[Exp[-0.03*t], {t, 0, 300},
AxesLabel -> {None, "testing1"}];
GraphicsGrid[{{Plot1}, {Plot1}}]
Is there a way to control how much space is between the two plots?
cvgmt gave you the answer, but I would like to elaborate a bit. When using GraphicsGrid
the pain has to do with the AspectRatio
if I am not mistaken. Instead you can use Grid
. Using Grid
is not a golden hammer and it has its downsides from certain points of view; I think that every time I have used it I had to adjust the ImageSize
, but I still find it easier to manipulate in most situations. I suggest that you experiment a little bit in each given situation.
Below I am giving 3 alternatives.
Plot1 = Plot[Exp[-0.03*t], {t, 0, 300},
AxesLabel -> {None, "testing1"}];
GraphicsGrid[{{Plot1}, {Plot1}}, Spacings -> 0,
AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio]
Plot1 = Plot[Exp[-0.03*t], {t, 0, 300},
AxesLabel -> {None, "testing1"}, ImageSize -> Medium];
Grid[{{Plot1}, {Plot1}}, Spacings -> {0, 0}]
ResourceFunction["PlotGrid"][{{Plot1}, {Plot1}}, Spacings -> 25]
plot = Plot[Exp[-0.03 * t], {t, 0, 300}, AxesLabel -> {None, "testing1"}];
Using Column
Column[{plot, plot}, Spacings -> 0]
Spacings -> -2