Finite difference problem
There are a large number of variables, interacting at most five at a time. A sample term is:
How to extract the constant term?
In this example, the constant term is -1/4.
Try this:
Total[Map[If[Total[Grad[#, Variables[expr]]] === 0, #, Nothing] &, MonomialList[expr]]]
In general, when there are no subscripts, we proceed as Bob Hanlon indicates:
expr/. Thread[Variables[expr] -> 0]
Another way to do it is as follows:
Total[Map[If[Total[Exponent[#, Variables[expr]]] === 0, #, Nothing] &,MonomialList[expr]]]
1/4 (-1 - Subscript[φ, 49, 50] - Subscript[φ, 50, 49]) +
Subscript[φ, 50, 50]], 1]
expr =
1/4 (-1 - Subscript[φ, 49, 50] - Subscript[φ, 50, 49]) + Subscript[φ, 50, 50]];
Two positional solutions
For subscripted variables
p = Position[expr, _Subscript]
{{1, 2, 2, 2}, {1, 2, 3, 2}, {2}}
For subscripted and unsubscripted variables
p = Position[expr, Alternatives @@ Variables[expr]]
{{1, 2, 2, 2}, {1, 2, 3, 2}, {2}}
Using MapAt
MapAt[0 &, p] @ expr
Using ReplaceAt
(new in 13.1)
ReplaceAt[_ :> 0, p] @ expr
expr /. _Subscript :> 0