Sample Cell 1 words with spaces in one inline cell
Cell[TextData[Cell[BoxData[\(TraditionalForm\`\(Y\ =\ \(\({\(x\ \[Element]\ \([\(a,\ b\)]\)\)\ :\ \(there\ is\ a\ finite\ subcover\ in\ \(\[Sum]\ \(of\ the\ \(interval\ [\(a,\ x\)]\)\)\)\)}\) .\ \)\)\)], "InlineFormula", FormatType -> "TraditionalForm"]], "Text"]
When saving it as Tex, or Copy As Latex
, the spaces between words will lost,
What's the right and good method to deal with such thing? The worst is each time this happen, I modify it in Tex Editor.
As Silva's answer suggested, creating text cell for inline words block. What occurred in my mind is to develop some palletes like this post(my prevous quesion) to do the similar thing. How to make AutoAction take effect only one time?
As you see in the picture, I'm handling the InlineFormula
with blue color. In the biggest blue block, there are two words blockthere is a finite subcover in
and of the interval
. Consider one possible situation, there are five or more words block in the inline cell with depth 2.