Suppose I have the following plot:
Plot[(1 - p2)^2/(p2^2 + (1 - p2)^2), {p2, 0, 1}, AxesLabel -> {"p2", "p1"}]
Now I want to do a point-wise transform to every point $(p2,p1)$ on the line (making a new plot) using:
$ p1 \rightarrow \dfrac{p1-\gamma}{1-\gamma}\quad p2\rightarrow\dfrac{p2-\gamma}{1-\gamma} $
In other words, I want to move every point on the line $(p2,p1)$ to a new location $\left(\dfrac{p2-\gamma}{1-\gamma},\dfrac{p1-\gamma}{1-\gamma}\right)$.
How should I achieve that?