I observe the following in Wolfram Language:
Quantity[ 1, "Kilowatt hours" ] (* or "Kilowatts" * "Hours" *)
(* 1 h kW *)
That looks rather unconventional and in Wolfram Alpha it is done as kW h
, for example: kW vs. kWh
How can this be achieved in Mathematica being compatible to the units framework?
Some more peculiarities.
Quantity[ 1, "Megawatt hours" ]
(* 1 h MW *)
(* but *)
Quantity[ 1, "USDollars" / "Megawatt hours" ]
(* Quantity: Unable to interpret unit specification *)
It is not the age of energy as of yet. ;-)
Quantity[1, "Hours"*"Kilowatts"]
andQuantity[1, "Kilowatts"*"Hours"]
they both give1 h kW
May be it uses some internal ordering based on letters or something like that? $\endgroup$Quantity[1, "USDollars"/("Kilowatts"*"Hours")]
seems to solve your dollar issue. FYI, it seems to be sorting alphabetically by the unit name. $\endgroup$new kind of units
:) $\endgroup$Unprotect[RowBox]; RowBox[{"\"h\"", "\[ThinSpace]", "\"kW\""}] := RowBox[{"kWh"}]
. But that is maybe not the right way to eat cookies. $\endgroup$