I define a simple digital filter.
transferFunction = TransferFunctionModel[{{{0.13793103448275862*z}}, {{-0.9 + z}}}, z,SamplingPeriod -> 1]
Then I put samples of a sine wave in the filter.
input = Table[Sin[0.1 t], {t, 0, 250}];
filtered = RecurrenceFilter[transferFunction, input];
output = Transpose[{Range[1, Length@filtered], filtered}];
I found that after it reaches steady-state the filter output matches up very close with Sin[0.1*(t-8.101)]. How could we predict a 8.101 sample delay of that input using transferFunction above?
**** Correction *****
My code agrees with (delay = -7.10179) if make one change in computing input. The corrected code is:
input=Table[Sin[0.1 t],{t,1,250}];