I have two lists, List0 and List1 that have specific structures. I want to replace the second number in each pair of numbers in List0 with subsequent numbers from a flattened version of List1. This can be achieved easily using ReplacePart for a single value from List1 but I haven't succeeded in using subsequent values.
list0 = {{{12, 34}, {34, 56}}, {{56, 78}, {78, 91}}}; list1 = {{270, 271}, {272, 273}}; list2 = Flatten[list1]; ReplacePart[list0, {_, _, 2} -> list2 ???]
The final list would take the form:
{{{12, 270}, {34, 271}}, {{56, 272}, {78, 273}}}
I suspect that this is quite straightforward but would appreciate an efficient means of accomplishing the task as I have a very great number of these operations to perform.