
Bug introduced in 2.1 or earlier and persisting through 13.2

UPDATE: Wolfram Support has confirmed that this is a bug.

I noticed that Trace does the following strange thing (v

Trace[a*a*2, x_ :> test]
(* Out: {test, test} *)

Trace[a*a*2, x_ :> x]
(* Out: {HoldForm[2*a^2], HoldForm[2*a^2], HoldForm[2*a^2]} *)

The first output has two elements, while the second has three. But shouldn't x_ be matched the same number of times in each?

What might be going on? Is this a bug?

Note: the original example used the rule x : Times[___] :> .... As MichaelE2 pointed out, this evaluates to x___ :> ...; in this case, all matched expressions are necessarily exactly one expression long, and so x_ reproduces the same behavior. So, I've modified the example to make it more minimal while still retaining the original character. The responses to this post were made before this edit, and thus may instead use x : Times[___] :> ...

Some more facts:

(maybe this should be moved to the community wiki? will re-evaluate in the morning...)

An even more minimal example: Trace[a*a, x_ :> x] returns {a^2, a^2}; Trace[a*a, x_ :> test] returns {}.

A discrepancy only seems to occur when either:

  • the evaluation involves downvalues producing an expression which 1) is composite in some way 2) involves "nontrivial" replacement/substitution of patterns

  • the evaluation involves rearranging due to an attribute, like Orderless or Flat.

(* easily test for discrepancies—True indicates a discrepancy *)
SetAttributes[DiscrepancyQ, HoldFirst]

DiscrepancyQ[expr_] := 
  Trace[expr, x_ :> test] =!= (Trace[expr, x_ :> x] /. HoldForm[_] -> test)]

(* Note: subvalues behave like downvalues in all respects that
   I've tested, but I didn't want to write them all out. *)

(* Discrepancies: *)

(* Orderless: *)
 SetAttributes[f, Orderless];

(* Flat: *)
 SetAttributes[f, Flat];
 DiscrepancyQ[f[1, f[2]]]

(* Downvalues producing "composite" expressions
   and involving replacement are bad, and yield True: *)
 f[a_] := {a};

 f[a_] := a[1];

Block[{f, h},
 f[a_] := h[a];

 f[a_] := (a;1);

(* No discrepancies: *)

(* Downvalues with no pattern replacement are fine: *)
 f[a_] := 1;

(* Downvalues of these particular "purely extractive" forms are fine: *)
 f[a_] := a;

 f[a_, b_] := a; (* or b *)
 DiscrepancyQ[f[1, 2]]

(* Upvalues are fine: *)
 a /: f_[a] := {f, a};

(* Ownvalues are fine: *)
 f := {Hold[f], 1};
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Looks like a bug indeed. It is worth reporting to the support. There must be three matches: Trace[a*a*2] and Trace[a*a*2, x : Times[___] :> HoldForm@x] both return {a a 2, 2 a a, 2 a^2}. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 6:09
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The described behavior is the same with versions 5.2 and 8.0.4. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 6:12
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Ok, I've reported it to support (and shared with them the link to this post, so they can see MichaelE2's very interesting observation below as well!). We'll see what they say! $\endgroup$
    – thorimur
    Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 6:21
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Another observation: TracePrint[a*a*2] shows just two evaluations of Times[..]. The Orderless sorting and evaluation 2 a a to 2 a^2 is one evaluation; then 2 a^2 is evaluated and doesn't change, so evaluation halts. -- Yet another observation: x : Times[___] evaluates to x___ because Times has the attribute OneIdentity. It does not really make a difference, but we should have used x : HoldPattern[Times[___]]. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 6:45
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Confirmed in v2.1: i.sstatic.net/yqa0a.png (And Trace is introduced in v2. ) $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Feb 6, 2022 at 2:14

2 Answers 2


CW because it's too long a comment.

A small difference that is not even part of the traced evaluation causes the same behavior as in the OP:

nn = 0;
test := ++nn;  (* <-- the only difference *)
Trace[a*a*2, x : Times[___] :> test]

(*  {1,2,3}  *)

nn = 0;
test := nn;    (* <-- the only difference *)
Trace[a*a*2, x : Times[___] :> test]

(*  {0, 0}  *)

The following shows that it matches three times but only two test show up in the output.

nn = 0;
Trace[a*a*2, x : Times[___] /; (nn++; True) :> test]

  {test, test}


I was trying to figure out which test was dropped in the output, first, second, or third. I couldn't.

I don't completely understand this bullet point from the docs for Trace:

  • In general, form in Trace[expr,form] is compared both with each complete expression that is evaluated and with the tag associated with any transformation rule used in the evaluation.

The last half that mentions "transformation rule" would seem to apply to the OP's examples, but I don't know how.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Another small difference (parenthesis versus braces): Trace[a*a*2, x : Times[___] :> (nn; test)] (two times), versus Trace[a*a*2, x : Times[___] :> {nn; test}] (three times). No nn and each gives just two test or {test} respectively. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 6:27

The following shows that the pattern indeed matches and the transformation is applied three times, but one of the results is removed on a postprocessing step inside of Trace:

Reap[Trace[a*a*2, x : HoldPattern[Times[___]] :> (Sow[HoldForm@x]; e)]]
{{HoldForm[e], HoldForm[e]}, {{HoldForm[a*a*2], HoldForm[2*a*a], HoldForm[2*a^2]}}}

I think that this discrepancy already proves that it is a bug.

The parenthesis versus braces difference shown by Michael E2 in the comment sheds some light on the mechanism used for output filtering inside of Trace:

Trace[a*a*2, x : HoldPattern[Times[___]] :> {out}]
Trace[a*a*2, x : HoldPattern[Times[___]] :> {Null; out}]
Trace[a*a*2, x : HoldPattern[Times[___]] -> {Null; out}]
Trace[a*a*2, x : HoldPattern[Times[___]] :> Sequence @@ {out}]
{HoldForm[{out}], HoldForm[{out}]}
{HoldForm[{out}], HoldForm[{out}], HoldForm[{out}]}
{HoldForm[{out}], HoldForm[{out}], HoldForm[{out}]}
{HoldForm[out], HoldForm[out], HoldForm[out]}

Apparently, the filtering depends on whether the final expression has changed upon evaluation, or not.

I reproduce this behavior with Mathematica versions 13.0.0, 8.0.4 and 5.2 on Windows 10 x64.


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