Basically I am generating a grid in space (so a vector where v[[1]]=position 1 in x) and a random number of particles in space (so a vector where p[[1]]= position of particle 1 on space).
Afterwards, I want to see in which spaces of the grid the particles are and do somethings.
The Do is the specific part of the code I want to optimize.
rho = Compile[{{xp, _Real, 1}, {xg, _Real,
1}, {carga, _Real}, {np, _Real}, {ng, _Real}, {dx, _Real}},
n = ng + 1;
ρ = Table[carga*np/(dx*ng), n];
ρ[[ng + 1]] = 0;
Do[If[Abs[xp[[i]] - xg[[j]]] <=
dx, ρ[[j]] = ρ[[j]] -
carga*(1 - (Abs[xp[[i]] - xg[[j]]])/dx)/dx; r += 1, 0] , {i, 1,
np}, {j, 1, ng + 1}];
ρ[[1]] = ρ[[1]] + ρ[[ng + 1]];]
Basically I am worried that I am thinking too much in terms of other languages and maybe mathematica has a better way to do this instead of using
If[Abs[xp[[i]] - xg[[j]]] <=
That manually makes a lot of operations
Here is a part of the code I am using
eps = 8.85*10^(-12);
q = 80;
m = 50;
L = 2;
nparticles = 2000;
ngrid = 200;
vth = 2;
u = 1;
dx = L/ngrid;
x = RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[{0, L}], nparticles];
r = 0;
xgrid = Range[0, L, dx] // N;
rho[x, xgrid, q, nparticles, ngrid, dx]; // AbsoluteTiming
or there's really no point in compiling the code. If you need to have several return types (which can't be handled strictly within the compiled environment), then set global variables at the very end, after the loop is done. Ther += 1
looks like a no-op to me, unless it's counting steps for some hidden purpose. $\endgroup$Compile
code does not make any sense (e.g., areng
supposed to be integers rather then doubles?). And btw., you should probably scope some variables (e.g.,ρ
) and initializer
. $\endgroup$