I have the following example data
os = {1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 17};
data = {0, -9.000050000000037`, -18.000100000000074`,
-27.00015000000011`, -36.00020000000015`, -16.00020000000022`,
3.999799999999709`, 23.999799999999638`, 43.99979999999957`,
46.49974999999955`, 48.999699999999535`, 54.999749999999636`,
60.99979999999974`, 66.49984999999975`, 71.99989999999977`,
79.99989999999977`, 87.99989999999977`, 81.99939999999938`,
75.998899999999`, 69.99839999999861`, 63.997899999998225`,
79.4977499999973`, 94.99759999999637`, 107.49759999999637`,
119.99759999999637`, 138.99784999999693`, 157.9980999999975`,
153.49824999999836`, 148.99839999999924`, 155.49789999999885`,
161.99739999999846`, 175.49764999999834`, 188.99789999999822`};
And I make the following plot
ListLinePlot[data, PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> Black,
GridLines -> {(os - 1) 2 + 1, data[[(os - 1) 2 + 1]]},
GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Black]]
I would like the y-axis to show the automatic ticks as right now, as well as ticks at the grid line locations.
I tried adding the property Ticks -> {Automatic, {Automatic, data[[(os - 1) 2 + 1]]}}
, but this gives a syntax error. What is the correct syntax to do that?