
I am trying to print the minimum steps needed to traverse a chessboard as a knight from one diagonal position to the other. I have the following code:

Building the chessboard

I started with creating the chessboard as a 100 x 100 arrayplot. The problem I seem to be having is merging it with the KnightsTour and travPath code. Reference for this code is linked in the last paragraph:

DataRange->{{1,100},{1,100}}];(*Standard re-sizeable chessboard*)

Describing the Diagonal Knights Tour

From my readings,the algorithms "Manhattan Distance" decreases for each move on the board such that (100-1)+(100-1)=198, therefore any two move advance cannot close in by anymore than 3:

KnightsTour[i_IntegerQ, j_IntegerQ]:=Module[{m},m = i-j;If[j>m,2.((j-m)/3)+m;m-2.((j-m)/4),(*Denote the decrease in the Manhatten Distance*)
If[i==1 & j==1,3;If[i==2 & j==2,4;]]]];

Showing the Path Traversal

This line uses FindHamiltonianPath to follow and highlight the path of traversal according to the algorithm above. I am having trouble in this section because the graphics will not combine here, throwing the following error:

Could not combine the graphics object in Show [{},, HighlightGraph[KnightsTour, PathGraph[KnightsTour[[1 ;; 1]]], 
   PlotTheme -> "Marketing", GraphHighlightStyle -> "DehilightHide", 
   EdgeStyle -> Thickness[0.1]]}]
travPath = FindHamiltonianPath[KnightsTour[1,1]];
Manipulate[Show[{Chessboard,HighlightGraph[KnightsTour,PathGraph[KnightsTour[[;;i]]], (*Chessboard should play out the steps taken by the knight*)
EdgeStyle ->Thickness[0.1]]}],{i,1,Length[travPath],100},

I had copied the manipulation code from here, not sure why this won't work for the chessboard that I developed, nor the checkerboard I had copied from the site hyperlinked in this text.

I would like to fix these errors here, any hints are appreciated. I would also like to improve upon the code by printing out the minimum steps taken as the knight traverses the board from the diagonal. Again, I appreciate any insight here.

  • $\begingroup$ travPath = FindHamiltonianPath[KnightsTour] "KnigtsTour" needs arguments $\endgroup$ Jan 18, 2022 at 12:07
  • $\begingroup$ @DanielHuber I implemented those changes and still got the same errors. Thanks for the suggestion though, it seems like it would make sense to give it an input of i=j=1 to start at the diagonal. $\endgroup$ Jan 18, 2022 at 17:39
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ KnightsTour[i_IntegerQ, j_IntegerQ] should read: KnightsTour[i_?IntegerQ, j_?IntegerQ]. Then` FindHamiltonianPath` wants a graph object as first argument, not a number. $\endgroup$ Jan 18, 2022 at 19:26
  • $\begingroup$ @DanielHuber Thank you, I'll find an alternative solution here. $\endgroup$ Jan 18, 2022 at 21:31


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