I am looking for zeroes of the following polynomial:
-36 - 20 a1 a2 + 16 a2 b1 + a2^2 b1^2 + 16 a1 b2 - 20 b1 b2 - 2 a1 a2 b1 b2 + a1^2 b2^2
in the region
a1*a2 <= -5 && b1*b2 <= -5
Simple enough of a command
Solve[8 + a2 b1 + a1 b2 + 2 Sqrt[-5 - a1 a2] Sqrt[-5 - b1 b2] == 0 && a1*a2 <= -5 && b1*b2 <= -5, {a1, a2, b1, b2}]
Tells me that there is no solution.
How do I know that Mathematica is doing exact algebra (like using quadratic formula for a quadratic equation) rather than some numerical estimation? In the Solve documentation I find
"When expr involves only polynomial equations and inequalities over real or complex domains, then Solve can always in principle solve directly for vars."
I am just wondering if I can use Mathematica as "proof" that no zeroes exist in that region.
I am sorry if this is a silly question.
. "The result of Reduce[expr, vars] always describes exactly the same mathematical set as expr." $\endgroup$-100 - 4 a1 a2 b1 b2 + (8 + a2 b1 + a1 b2)^2 - 20 (a1 a2 + b1 b2)
and from there the inequalities guarantee positivity (the first tow terms sum to at least zero, next is a square hence nonnegative, last is at least 200). $\endgroup$