This question is nothing more than making a few changes to an already working code. I put that code into Manipulate[...]
to be able to choose a subset of countries and a subset of indicators.
By @kglr, the code below creates a perfect chart:
displayF[lgnds_, tbl_, lbgrnd_: Automatic, tbgrnd_: Automatic, voffset_: 25, gap_:25] :=
Module[{volist = Accumulate[Prepend[gap] @ ConstantArray[voffset, Length @ tbl]],
hoffset = 1.1 Max[Ceiling[Rasterize[Style[#, "Graphics"],
"RasterSize"], 10][[1]] & /@ lgnds],
hcoords = Map[MinMax @* Flatten] @
Partition[Cases[#[[1]], (RectangleBox | Rectangle)[a_, b_, ___] :>
{First @ a, First @ b}, All], Length[tbl]],
legendalign = ("MarkerLayout" /. Options[First@lgnds]) /. {"After" -> 1, _ -> -1},
hrange, offsets, texts, tablelegend, ma},
hrange = MinMax @ hcoords;
ma = MovingAverage[volist, 2];
offsets = Outer[Offset, Thread[{0, -ma}], Thread[{Mean /@ hcoords, 0}], 1];
texts = Join @@ MapThread[Text[##, {0, 0}] &, {tbl, offsets}, 2];
tablelegend = {lbgrnd /. Automatic -> Lighter[Gray, .5],
Rectangle @@ MapThread[Offset[{-#, -#2}, {hrange[[1]], 0}] &,
{{hoffset, 0}, volist[[{1, -1}]]}],
tbgrnd /. Automatic -> Lighter[Gray, .8],
Rectangle @@ MapThread[Offset[{0, -#}, {#2, 0}] &, {volist[[{1, -1}]], hrange}],
CapForm["Round"], Thick, Darker @ Red,
Table[Line[{Offset[{-hoffset, -i}, {hrange[[1]], 0}],
Offset[{0, -i}, {hrange[[2]], 0}]}], {i, volist}],
Black, texts,
MapThread[Inset[#, Offset[{- hoffset Boole[legendalign < 0], -#2},
{hrange[[1]], 0}], {legendalign, Center}] &, {lgnds, ma}]};
Show[#, Graphics @ tablelegend, PlotRange -> All]] &
And then, I adjusted @kglr's code using Manipulate[ ]
ClearAll[air, water, road, root, data, clist, xlist, colors, legends];
air = {3, 1, 6, 3, 1, 6};
water = {2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3};
road = {1, 0, 7, 1, 0, 7};
root = {6, 1, 2, 6, 1, 2};
data = {air, water, road, root};
clist = {"Belarus", "USA", "France", "Turkey", "Georgia", "China"};
xlist = {"change in air", "flowing water", "construction road",
"agriculture root"};
colors = ColorData["Rainbow"] /@ Rescale@Range[Length@data];
legends =
SwatchLegend[{#}, {#2}, LegendLayout -> "Column",
"MarkerLayout" -> "After"] &, {colors, StringPadLeft[xlist]}];
data1 = (#[[;; noC]] & /@ data);
ChartLabels -> {Placed[clist, Below], None},
ChartStyle -> {None, "Rainbow"},
FrameLabel -> {{"Percent Change", None}, {None, None}},
PlotTheme -> "Business",
AspectRatio -> 2/3,
ImageSize -> 500,
DisplayFunction -> displayF[legends, data1]
{{noC, 4, "countries"}, Thread[Range[Length[clist]] -> clist],
ControlType -> SetterBar},
{{noV, 2, "indicators"}, Thread[Range[Length[xlist]] -> xlist],
ControlType -> SetterBar},
Paneled -> False
This produced:
But there are two issues to solve:
- When I choose a single country, such as
, the code gives me all the countries listed before Turkey (including Turkey as well). I like to choose a few countries from the listclist
; - I also like to choose at will a few indicators from the list
I tried the following:
data1 = {(#[[;; nbrC]] & /@ data)[[nbrV, All]]};
ChartLabels -> {Placed[clist, Below], None},
ChartStyle -> {None, "Rainbow"},
FrameLabel -> {{"Percent Change", None}, {None, None}},
PlotTheme -> "Business",
AspectRatio -> 2/3,
ImageSize -> 500,
DisplayFunction -> displayF[legends, data1]
{{nbrC, 4, "countries"}, Thread[Range[Length[clist]] -> clist],
ControlType -> SetterBar},
{{nbrV, 2, "indicators"}, Thread[Range[Length[xlist]] -> xlist],
ControlType -> SetterBar},
Paneled -> False
This trial is way behind what I hoped to have.