
I have a list of points of a convex polyhedron for which I need to compute the eigenvectors of the Moment of Inertia matrix. But, it seems like the built-in MomentOfInertia behave very differently for ConvexHullMesh and ConvexHullRegion

pts3 = {{0.9000000000000000222`8., 0.4500000000000000111`8., 0.5`8.}, {0.6750000000000000444`8., 0.8397114317029974462`8., 0.5`8.}, {0.2250000000000000056`8., 0.8397114317029974462`8., 0.5`8.}, {0, 0.4500000000000000111`8., 0.5`8.}, {0.2250000000000000056`8., 0.060288568297002243`8., 0.5`8.}, {0.6750000000000000444`8., 0.060288568297002243`8., 0.5`8.}, {0.9000000000000000222`8., 0.4500000000000000111`8., 0.1`8.}, {0.6750000000000000444`8., 0.060288568297002243`8., 0.1`8.}, {0.2250000000000000056`8., 0.060288568297002243`8., 0.1`8.}, {0, 0.4500000000000000111`8.,0.1`8.}, {0.2250000000000000056`8., 0.8397114317029974462`8., 0.1`8.}, {0.6750000000000000444`8., 0.8397114317029974462`8., 0.1`8.}};

(*plotting function*)
plt[region_, eigvec_, cent_] := Show[region,Graphics3D[{{Green, Thick, InfiniteLine[cent, #] &/@ eigvec}, 
{Opacity[0.4], Red, Hyperplane[#, cent] & /@ eigvec}}, ImageSize -> Small]]

(*using convexhullmesh *)
reg1 = ConvexHullMesh[pts3];
cent1 = RegionCentroid@reg1;
{eigval1, eigvec1} = Eigensystem@MomentOfInertia@reg1;

plt[reg1, eigvec1, cent1]

enter image description here

(*using convexhullregion*)
reg2 = ConvexHullRegion[pts3];
cent2 = RegionCentroid@reg2;
{eigval2, eigvec2} = Eigensystem@MomentOfInertia@reg2;

plt[Region@reg2, eigvec2, cent2]

enter image description here

Observe the orientation of the cutting planes; they look very different for the two cases. I think I can use DiscretizeRegion@ConvexHullMesh[pts3] to make the cutting planes in the first case to look like the latter. However, I am confused as to why MomentOfInertia is behaving differently in the two cases? Is this a bug?

  • $\begingroup$ MMA version 12.3.0 I get twice the same symmetric picture. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 14:43
  • $\begingroup$ @DanielHuber I am using Mathematica 12.3.1 for Microsoft Window (64-Bit) (June 19,2021) $\endgroup$
    – Ali Hashmi
    Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 14:44
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @AliHashmi Yes ConvexHullRegion was introduced with v12.2. I only recognized that Show[reg2] doesn't work, I changed it to Show[Region[reg2]] : $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 16:19
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ It's not an artefact I think: The body has more than 3 symmtry axes, concerning the inertia that means complete rotational symmetry. Every pair of eigenvectors might be arbitrarily rotated! $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 7, 2021 at 21:23
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @UlrichNeumann's answer seems like the correct one. But if you are looking for a more 'natural' looking eigen system, you can turn your almost regular extruded hexagon into a regular and exact hexagon through RootApproximant[N[pts3]]. $\endgroup$
    – Greg Hurst
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 12:48

2 Answers 2


It's not an artefact, Mathematica result is ok for both cases!

The hexagon plane (perpendicular to {0,0,1} ) has six axes of symmetry. That means, concerning the inertia , the body is rotationally symmetrical!

J1 = MomentOfInertia@reg1;
{eigval1, eigvec1} = Eigensystem@J1;

J2 = MomentOfInertia@reg2;
{eigval2, eigvec2} = Eigensystem@J2;

The second and third eigenvalues are identical, which confirms mentioned rotational symmetry of the two regions

That's why rotation of the eigenvectors around {0,0,1} gives a new set of equivalent eigenvectors

rot1 = RotationMatrix[\[CurlyPhi], eigvec1[[1]]] // Chop; 
ev1rot = eigvec1 . rm // Chop; (* new eigenvectors*)
(J1 . Transpose[#] - Transpose[#] . DiagonalMatrix[eigval1]) &[ev1rot] // Chop; 
(*{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}*)

Same is true for reg2.

That's why the different appearing eigenvectors eigvec1, eigvec2 fullfill the eigensystem of both regions:

(J2 . Transpose[#] - Transpose[#] . DiagonalMatrix[eigval1]) &[eigvec1] // Chop
(*{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}*)

(J1 . Transpose[#] - Transpose[#] . DiagonalMatrix[eigval1]) &[eigvec2] // Chop
(*{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}*)
  • $\begingroup$ I understand your point. However, should not the eigensystem output the same result for convexhullmesh and convexhullregion, unless of course the two represent very different underlying objects? $\endgroup$
    – Ali Hashmi
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 12:50
  • $\begingroup$ I don't think so. convexhullmeshand convexhullregion don't know from each other. Both return a correct eigensystem, unfortunately the eigenvectors are different in this case $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 13:22

A workaround is to threshold values near zero in the inertia matrix.

principleVectors[reg_] := Eigensystem[Threshold[MomentOfInertia[reg]]]

Max[Abs[principleVectors[reg1] - principleVectors[reg2]]]
  • $\begingroup$ thanks. makes sense now. I think it is the small values of the off-diagonal entries that is making Eigensystem return different values. Btw, if you use reg1 = DiscretizeRegion@ConvexHullMesh[pts3] and reg2 = DiscretizeRegion@BoundaryMeshRegion@ConvexHullRegion[pts3] the off-diagonal entries of the matrix are significantly large and therefore Eigensystem returns approx the same eigenvectors $\endgroup$
    – Ali Hashmi
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 9:16
  • $\begingroup$ upvoting your answer ! $\endgroup$
    – Ali Hashmi
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 9:16

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