Let us consider
int = Integrate[ArcSin[Sin[n*x]], {x, 0, 1}, Assumptions -> n > 10]
-((17 \[Pi]^2)/(4 n)) + ArcSin[Sin[n]] - 1/2 n Abs[Cos[n]] Sec[n]
This result is not correct in view of the discordance between
Integrate[ArcSin[Sin[55/2*x]], {x, 0, 1}] // N
Let us correctly calculate the integral under consideration. As
n = 55/2; Plot[ArcSin[Sin[n*x]], {x, 0, 1}]
shows, the integrand has Floor[n/2/Pi]
complete waves of the length 2*Pi/n
on the interval
and one incomplete wave if n/2/Pi
is not integer. It is clear that the integrals of the integrand
over the complete waves equal zero. Therefore, it is enough to calculate
ClearAll[n];res = Integrate[ArcSin[Sin[n*x]], {x, Floor[n/2/Pi]*2*Pi/n, 1}, Assumptions -> n > 10]
-((17 \[Pi]^2)/(4 n)) + ArcSin[Sin[n]] + (2 \[Pi]^2 Floor[n/(2 \[Pi])]^2)/n - 1/2 n Abs[Cos[n]] Sec[n]
, but res
is not correct in view of
N[res /. n -> 55/2]
, whereas
n = 55/2; Integrate[ArcSin[Sin[n*x]], {x, Floor[n/2/Pi]*2*Pi/n, 1}] // N
Fortunately, there is a workaround. We write down ArcSin[Sin[x]]
as Piecewise[{{x, x >= 0 && x <= Pi/2}, {Pi - x, x >= Pi/2 && x <= 3*Pi/2}, {x - 2*Pi, x >= 3*Pi/2 && x <= 2*Pi}}]
on the interval $[0,2\pi]$.
ClearAll[n];res1=Integrate[Piecewise[{{n*x, n*x >= 0 && n*x <= Pi/2}, {Pi - n*x,
n*x >= Pi/2 && n*x <= 3*Pi/2}, {n*x - 2*Pi, n*x >= 3*Pi/2 && n*x <= 2*Pi}}],
{x, 0, 1 - Floor[n/2/Pi]*2*Pi/n}, Assumptions -> n > 10]
Piecewise[{{Pi^2/(8*n), (n - 2*Pi*Floor[n/(2*Pi)] == Pi/2 && n > 10) || (n - 2*Pi*Floor[n/(2*Pi)] == (3*Pi)/2 && n > 10)}, {(n - 2*Pi*Floor[n/(2*Pi)])^2/ (2*n), Inequality[0, Less, n - 2*Pi*Floor[n/(2*Pi)], Less, Pi/2] && n > 10}, {(-2*n^2 + 4*n*Pi - Pi^2 + 8*n*Pi*Floor[n/(2*Pi)] - 8*Pi^2*Floor[n/(2*Pi)] - 8*Pi^2*Floor[n/(2*Pi)]^2)/ (4*n), Inequality[Pi/2, Less, n - 2*Pi*Floor[n/(2*Pi)], Less, (3*Pi)/2] && n > 10}, {(n^2 - 4*n*Pi + 4*Pi^2 - 4*n*Pi*Floor[n/(2*Pi)] + 8*Pi^2*Floor[n/(2*Pi)] + 4*Pi^2*Floor[n/(2*Pi)]^2)/ (2*n), Inequality[(3*Pi)/2, Less, n - 2*Pi*Floor[ n/(2*Pi)], Less, 2*Pi] && n > 10}}, 0]
N[res1 /. n -> 55/2]
confirms its correctness. Unfortunately,
returns the input instead of the expected result 0
Is there a way to simplify res1
or/and to derive another workaround?