From this interesting link How to simultaneously extract contourvalues and contourline?
I've learnd how to extract the contourvalues from a ContourPlot
Is it possible to extend this approach to ContourPlot3D
For example
plt = ContourPlot3D[Sqrt[4/(Pi)^2] Sin[1 x] Sin[2 y] Sin[2 z] , {x, 0, Pi}, {y, 0,Pi}, {z, 0, Pi}, Mesh -> None, Axes -> False, Boxed -> False]
shows some different contours whose value I would like to know.
I tried
poly = Cases[plt, GraphicsGroup[p_] -> p, Infinity]
which gives three groups of polygons (probably the contours I'm looking for), but doesn't show a contourvalue!
No idea how to proceed!