I have an InterpolatingFunction that I'd like to plot, and I wonder why I have to perform a ReplaceAll
on the following function:
Plot[Evaluate[IIz[r, t] /. soln] /. t -> 5, {r, 0, 490}, PlotRange -> {{0,
490}, {.000015, -.00035}}, AxesLabel -> Automatic]`
is the solution to a differential diffusion equation given by Mathematica (v. 9.0.1) as
When I plot the 3D solution, there is no problem in using
Plot3D[Evaluate[IIz[r, t] /. soln], {r, 0, 490}, {t, 0, 10},
PlotRange ->
{{0, 490}, {0, 10}, {.000015, -.00035}},
AxesLabel -> Automatic]
and I would think that all I'd need to do to plot this in terms of a fixed t
would be to replace t
with a constant like so:
Plot[Evaluate[IIz[r, 5] /. soln] , {r, 0, 490},
PlotRange -> {{0, 490},
{.000015, -.00035}}, AxesLabel -> Automatic]`
However, when I input that, I get a blank plot… What gives?
For the original differential equation, see this question.