navigating through the docs. of Around
one can read in the details that
When Around is used in computations, uncertainties are by default propagated using a first-order series approximation, assuming no correlations.
Question: is there any implemented way in which we could calculate correlated uncertainties? Could please someone provide any ref. / example of this?
Aclaration: By correlated uncertainties I meant to say that the covariance of two variables can't be neglected assuming its $\sim 0$, if I understood correctly.
If the uncertainties are correlated then covariance must be taken into account. Correlation can arise from two different sources. First, the measurement errors may be correlated. Second, when the underlying values are correlated across a population, the uncertainties in the group averages will be correlated.
If the propagation of the errors, following what Around
indicates, is calculated by a 1st-order series approximation, I assume that
$$\delta f(x_1,..., x_n) \approx \sqrt{\left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1}\right)^2 \delta x_1 ^2 + ... \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_n}\right)^2 \delta x_n ^2 } = \sqrt{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i} \delta x_i \right)^2}$$
and not
$$\delta f \approx \sqrt{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i} \delta x_i\right)^2 + 2 \sum\limits_{i=1}^n\sum\limits_{j=i+1}^n \rho_{x_i x_j} \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i} \delta x_i\right)\left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_j} \delta x_j\right)}$$ where $\rho_{x_i x_j}$ is the correlation term between variables.
I apologize beforehand if you find this a naive question
follows Napoleon's directions "Write shortly and unclearly". $\endgroup$Around
still or compute each term of the sum manually? $\endgroup$VectorAround
to deal with correlated quantities. $\endgroup$VectorAround
poor. $\endgroup$